Zebra Plecos Fighting - Should I be worried?? Also M or F?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Zebra Plecos Fighting - Should I be worried?? Also M or F?

Post by GlockFu »

I am getting a bit worried... I moved some things around in the tank (although to me it looks like I put it back exactly the same) and it looks like 3 of my plecos have been doing a lot of fighting... Here is a picture of one of them, should I be worried? Should I seperate them or leave them alone? Also, does this one look like a Male or Female? Thanks.

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Post by Neo »

Dont worry m8, seems a bit battle scarred lol the pic to me looks female as i dont see any whiskers around the gill plates etc, the colour will come back in the fish soon
Lots of L046 Zebra Pleco's, L129, L199, Some cory's, some shrimps, cardinals, glass cats etc
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Post by Jon »

It would be easier to sex if given an overhead shot. As stated, I wouldn't worry too much--maybe a bit of QT time and some anti fungal/biotic treatment.
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