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Does the Blue Panaque L-239 eat plants??

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 00:36
by Rene MG
Hi, I got one Blue Panaque (L -239) and I'm not sure If these beautiful Loricarid likes to eat plants.. due to my tank is full of them... Can It eat them??? experiencies..?? stories..?? some that can make an idea.. what would happen?? :P
And another question.. How large it reaches?

REgards and Thanks in advance :D

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 01:04
by Shane
Never seen them go near plants.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 15:58
by Rene MG
Hi , Shane.
Never seen them go near plants. its wild habitat or in aquarium..?

Because I woudln't like to see my tank...empty in a few days.. :shock:

Thanks.. Gracias por la respuesta.


Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 16:25
by Shane
There are no plants in its natural environment and I have never seen them molest plants in the aquarium. Natural habitat is large dark-colored stones and tan colored sand with a fair flow. Water is not quite "black" but is very dark.
I took these in Puerto Carreno, Colombia. Venezuela is on the otherside of the river. Look by the boats and you can see the sand and color of the water.


Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 17:27
by Rene MG
Hi.. So really thanks for your appreciate answer . It calms me dow. :)

Regards and Gracias por las tan oportunas fotos.

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:08
by Judazzz
Hi there,
not to freighten you or anything, but I thought I just posted my own experiences. I keep an L239 in a 50 gallon (with other pleco's), and within days after I planted half a dozen large Sword Plants most of these plants were already severely damaged. I have seem the L239 sucking on leafs, as well as an L015 I keep in the same tank, so I'm not sure who is the culprit (it could even be yet another pleco that feeds on the plants at night).

The Blue Fin often hangs on one of the side walls, which gave me a good opportunity to have a look at its mouth. And imo. it very closely resembles the suckermouth of my Gold Nugget I keep in another tank - and I'm 100% positive that Nugget is responsible for the destruction of many plants (I've seen him do it).

It's not said that my L239 is responsible for the damage on my plants, nor is it said yours will eat plants, but I wouldn't say it is an unlikely scenario either...

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 19:05
by Oscar
Hi Rene, nice to you read you here. :D

My Ancistrinae sp. (L239) I've never seen them take a plant, also I've the sensation that isn't good with algae.

Finally I've bought one more, with the other two. :lol:

Hola Rene, encantado de leerte por aqui.

Mis Ancistrinae sp. (L239) nunca los he visto tocar una planta, y tengo la sensacion de que no son buenos con las algas.

Finalmente compre otro ejemplar mas, junto con los otros dos.
