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New cory keeper here! Can you mix different cories?

Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 19:26
by CoryKeeper
I have always kept my cories separate over the years and had always wondered if they would inter-breed? I have c. sterbai and c. ehrhartdi but will be buying more types and was wondering what I can mix? Especially ones that look similar. I have seen some websites out there that have more than one type of cory in their tanks.

Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 20:17
by clothahump
Mixing them is not a problem unless they do interbreed as you pointed out, if they do just leave the eggs in place and let the other fish have a caviar dinner.

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 19:10
by Coryman
There should be little chance of cross breeding with most Cory's. I have 4 stock tanks each holding about 10 or 12 species (50 + fish).

I have in thirty years never had any Cory's cross breedeng.


Posted: 20 Mar 2003, 01:22
by CoryKeeper
Thanks Ian! I have learned so much about cories from your site and here at Planet catfish! I have them on my mind for the past 2 weeks 24-7. I am going to an Auction on Saturday at a local club and will be lloking for cories to bid on! Can't wait!