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Back from Chiapas and Guatemala

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 16:15
by Shane
Sadly, I made it to within 30 minutes of the Rio Lacuntun, but not quit all the way there. Thought you all might enjoy some pics. Note that these photos have not been altered. The water really is that blue.

Here is a map to get you oriented.

Small lake at Lagos de Montebello just west of the Rio Lacuntun


Habitat close up.


Close up of the bank. If you have a really good eye you may spot some livebearers and siklids. They show up well when the photo is blown up.



Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 16:19
by Shane
Just some additional non fish photos.
Church in the plaza of San Cristobal de Las Casas.

Maya in San Cristobal girl trying to sell me stuff.


Funniest sign I saw. Translation would be roughly "Do not go pee pee here."



Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 16:27
by bronzefry
I'm sorry you didn't reach your destination, Shane. That water should have it's own color name: Montebello Blue. I see the Sierra Norte De Chiapas on the map. How far south do those mountains go?

(That architecture is amazing. :D)

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 16:52
by Jools
That sign appears to have worked, the water quality looks great! :-)


Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 16:55
by JoseAngelBarro
Wow Shane That is so beautyfull,


:D :)

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 18:32
by Shane
the water quality looks great
Yes. The next time I will have a snorkle and mask! It is as clear as some seas I have been in.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 17:57
by Rene MG
Hi.. really nice pics..

and did you respect the funny sign?? :wink: .. but believe me Shane in México everything happens.. :shock:
