Sick Synodontis?
Posted: 30 Jun 2005, 03:26
I really don't know if my big Eupterus might be coming down with something and of course I want to stay ahead of any possible illness. He has been acting normally and feeding normally but he has some whiteness around his gills and now he has a little bit of white below his jaw. He has always had some white in these areas but recently (the past two weeks) it seems more pronounced.
The whiteness is not protruding, it looks more like scratches than growths.
Tank Specs:
0 Nitrite, 0 Ammonia, 15-20 Nitrate
Water is very hard and PH is 7.6
Water change 30% once or twice weekly
No new fish in the past four months
If anyone has any other questions or ideas please let me know.
I really don't know if my big Eupterus might be coming down with something and of course I want to stay ahead of any possible illness. He has been acting normally and feeding normally but he has some whiteness around his gills and now he has a little bit of white below his jaw. He has always had some white in these areas but recently (the past two weeks) it seems more pronounced.
The whiteness is not protruding, it looks more like scratches than growths.
Tank Specs:
0 Nitrite, 0 Ammonia, 15-20 Nitrate
Water is very hard and PH is 7.6
Water change 30% once or twice weekly
No new fish in the past four months
If anyone has any other questions or ideas please let me know.