What should I buy

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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What should I buy

Post by livebearium »

I am looking for some suggestions on what I should get. I will have 4 29's, 2 20 Talls and 1 55, that I want to stock with breedable plecos.

What should I get? I have thought about L-134's, and some "common" Ancistrus, browns of course. Any others I should get? I am also going to get a pair of L 263's.

Oh BTW I am in the US

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Post by laurab5 »

You could try some Hypancistrus like L066, L236, L260, L270, or L333. If you wanted some Peckoltia you could go with L015 or what you said with L134. In your 55 you could try something that gets bigger like gold nuggets or royals.
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Post by livebearium »

How big do gold-nuggets need to be to spawn? I usually see them about 3 inches in the stores. I have seen one full grown one in a shop, it was about 13-15 inches.

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Post by laurab5 »

I am not that sure since I am not breeding gold nuggets at the moment. I am breeding L260, though.
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Post by livebearium »

How bid do L260's get? How bid do they spawn at?

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Post by racoll »

How big do gold-nuggets need to be to spawn?
at a guess, about 6", but if it's your first time breeding plecos, i would suggest species that have been bred a bit more often (by other members on this site), so they can help you. there is very little info on breeding nuggets and you'll probably need at least a 100g tank.

stick to Peckoltia, Hypancistrus, Ancistrus, Sturisoma, Farlowella, Hemiloricaria, as these have been "tried and tested " breeders.

the best way to choose is by browsing the cat-elog, finding a fish you like, then doing some research to see if it's been bred before.

once you've got a bit of experience, move onto fish that haven't been bred before.
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Post by laurab5 »

L260 get to about 4 inches. Mine are a little more than 3 inches. I have heard of people breeding them at 2.5 inches. Most Hypancistrus species stay below 5.5 inches. Go look under the Genus thumbnail Hypancistrus for all of the species. I am attempting to breed Peckoltia(L015). Of the species that I named except gold nuggets and royals you could breed 4 different kinds in each 29 gallon. With 1 male and 2or3 female.
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Post by livebearium »

Are you saying I could keep 4 seperate species in EACH 29 Gallon tank?

Should you not keep two species from the same genus in the same tank?

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Post by laurab5 »

I mean that you can put L260's in one tank, L015 in one tank and so on. Each tank should have only one species. So you would be breeding 4 species.
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Post by MatsP »

I would start "learning" how to breed Loricaridae with the . If I can breed them, anyone can... ;-) It's a good idea to start with the easy ones, and then get on to the slightly more difficult.

Also, although you could feasibly keep 4 different species in your 4 29g tanks, and some more in the 20g and 55g tanks, you'd also have to consider what you do with the young when they have spawned. If you're successfull, you'll have something like 4 spawns of 30 young, every 6 weeks. Most loricaridae grow fairly slow, so you'll need plenty of space to grow them out. My Ancistrus young have gone from 1/2" to about 2" in four months. Could probably grow a little bit quicker if they were in a bigger tank and/or more frequent water changes.

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