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Sailfin Plec changed colour

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 22:52
by oscarmart
Hi,I have a sixteen inch sailfin Plec when i bought him or her about four years ago,it was more or less brown all over and the length was twelve inches,now though his fin edges have become a sort of tan and his belly has become a sort of greyish white he shows no sign of ill health and is quite active when he moves that is.Is this a normal occurrence as he grows older.

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 23:31
by Silurus
Some color changes with age are not unexpected. I'd say this is normal.

Gtyptoperichthys gibbiceps

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 00:28
by Osmium
:) Hi

My pair sometimes become slightly paler in 'patches'. This is usually an indication that I have been neglecting my waterchange duties :oops:
