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Lonely cory

Posted: 02 Jun 2005, 21:04
by firestar
I have a 5 gallon tank with a betta in it. Some time ago, I wanted to add pygmy cories. The pet store told me that in a tank that size, 2 would be best, so (foolishly believing the advice of the pet store) I bought a pair. 1 got sick and died, leaving the other alone with the betta. That was about 2 months ago. Since then, I have been unable to find pygmy cories again. My little guy is clearly unhappy. I need advice on what to do. Should I get another cory of a different species? I'd probably be able to get a bronze cory, an albino cory, or maybe an emerald cory (based on what the pet stores consistently carry).

Re: Lonely cory

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 06:06
by djw66
firestar wrote:I have a 5 gallon tank with a betta in it. Some time ago, I wanted to add pygmy cories. The pet store told me that in a tank that size, 2 would be best, so (foolishly believing the advice of the pet store) I bought a pair. 1 got sick and died, leaving the other alone with the betta. That was about 2 months ago. Since then, I have been unable to find pygmy cories again. My little guy is clearly unhappy. I need advice on what to do. Should I get another cory of a different species? I'd probably be able to get a bronze cory, an albino cory, or maybe an emerald cory (based on what the pet stores consistently carry).

Pygmy cories are like tetras - the more the merrier. They do best by far in groups of six or more - a dozen or more ramps up their activity level remarkably. Pester your dealer for more - if he won't, find another dealer. You could have six in a tank your size with a betta, as neither add much bioload in your small body of water.

I bet your lone pygmy is lonely :(- they school in the thousands in nature.


Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 06:45
by firestar
He is very lonely. He mopes around and sometimes he's a bit droopy. What I really want is 3 more, for a total of 4. My betta bites his tail frequently, so I would rather be understocked rather than over, because he's so susceptible to fin rot with his shredded tail. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll be getting anymore pygmies, let alone 3 more. Another problem that I'm having though, is that it's such a small tank (why I opted for pygmies in the first place), and even 2 more 2" cories would bring my total up to 8" of fish in a 5 gallon tank.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 07:32
by metallhd
So where in Canada are you? It's a big place . . . 8)

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 08:01
by firestar
32,800,000 Canadians spread over 9,984,000 sq kms (CIA World Fact Book)... we are a big country indeed. But perhaps not as big as you think, as I, too, live in E-town (as the "cool kids" call it). LOL, I bet we're next door neighbors, or something crazy. If you want a really fun local game, call the PetSmart on 170th street and ask them if they carry pygmy cories. If you get the same girl I got, she'll tell you that it's not a real species.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 20:19
by Coryman

Firstly a 5 gal tank, even US gallons is plenty large enough for at least 8 Corydoras pygmaeus. I have been keeping and breeding this species for 30 years and have never kept them in tanks larger than 18" x 12" x 10" which hold around 4 UK gallons. Give them them some Java moss and other plants and they will be just fine. there are other pygmy Corys that would also suit that size of tank.


Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 20:31
by jen.nelson
Firstly a 5 gal tank, even US gallons is plenty large enough for at least 8 Corydoras pygmaeus. I have been keeping and breeding this species for 30 years and have never kept them in tanks larger than 18" x 12" x 10" which hold around 4 UK gallons. Give them them some Java moss and other plants and they will be just fine. there are other pygmy Corys that would also suit that size of tank.
I'm assuming the shape of the tank matters some :?: I have a betta in a 5-gallon hex Eclipse aquarium and was considering giving him some cory cat company, but I know the hex tanks have less surface area than standard tanks. Thoughts or suggestions are quite welcomed!


Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 20:51
by Coryman
What are the tank dimensions?


Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 22:55
by jen.nelson
What are the tank dimensions?
From one flat face of the hex across to the other is 11" and the water fills up to a height of 11". I calculate it out to be roughly 100 square inches of water surface area.


Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 02:54
by philtre
If you're saying that the betta frequently bites your pygmy's tail, that could also be one of the reason why he's all mopey. If you can't find more mates for him at the moment, why not let him have some peace in his tank. :) The lack of an aggressive tankmate could help in the abscence of friendly tankmates.

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 07:22
by metallhd
Well then Firestar, FYI I got my 10 pygmies at PJ's at Kingsway, about a year ago. I did lose one pretty much right away, but the rest are happy and healthy in a 5 gallon tank along with 3 c. panda. You can check with the Aquarium Club (ACE), also Dad's Fish Room at 81st Ave and 99th Street often has some nice corys too. You might also want to check Aquarium Illusions across from the Mayfield Inn. Good luck!

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 13:23
by firestar
Thanks, Mtlhead. I got my cories at the PJs in Kingsway also, but their supplier is not supplying anymore. They say perhaps there was a problem with this batch or something. I'll be honest, the condition of their tanks has gone downhill lately though. I have not been impressed the past few times I've been in there -- dead fish in some of their tanks, untreated ich everywhere. I also phoned Dad's (on the advice of the girl in PJs), but I was snarkily informed that they don't have pygmies, they'll order pygmies if they show up on the order list, they have no idea if or when they may do so, and no, they wouldn't know anywhere else in the city that may have pygmies.

Philtre, my betta completely ignores the cory. He bites his own tail something fierce. Don't worry, I don't let my fish get picked on! :)

Posted: 05 Jun 2005, 10:56
by Guppylove1985
I'm from Edmonton as well :D Sorry, just excited that there are 3 of us lol Maybe try calling Big Al's and see if they are stocking them? They carry a lot of harder to find fish.