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Loricaria simillima(?)

Posted: 15 Mar 2003, 00:48
by Dave Rinaldo
I have a clutch of eggs that I brought home today from this fish. You can see some eggs if you look close. There are 6 hatched fry (6hrs since I've been home) I think I've set them up as good as possible, but any comments would be welcome.
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Pics of the egg clutch and a 24hr baby
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Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 05:08
by Dinyar
Hi Dave,

I would have guessed your fish to be a Hemiloricaria sp., but claim no expertise on this subject. I had Hemioricaria spawn for me, and everything was fine till the fry lost their yolk sacs, after which they all (~40) died within 48 hours. Hope you have better luck. Keep us posted.


Posted: 18 Mar 2003, 14:21
by Dave Rinaldo
I finally sat down long enough to look for a possible ID. It seems it might be Loricaria simillima. I only have the one pic that I took of the fish before seeing the eggs and then the eggs became the first priority! There are three large specimens that are in a 55g full of fancy goldfish at an out of town LFS. The owner mentioned he has seen eggs in the past so I have been contemplating buying the group of three but at $37 each......The eggs were free.

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 00:25
by Jools
Looks like L. simillima to me. Not Hemiloricaria as that genus are not lipbrooders. There's a decent article in Shane's World on spawning them.


Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 00:38
by Silverkip
Yeah Deffinetly, just grow up your own group. I wish I was so lucky!