Multipunctatus in first or last?

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Multipunctatus in first or last?

Post by MultiPunk »

When stocking a new tank, in this case a Tanganyikan setup, do you add the stock in from top to bottom (multis in last) or bottom to top (multis in first)?
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Sid Guppy
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Post by Sid Guppy »

Good question!
I think it's best to put in the Syno's first or halfway, NOT last.
That's because when they come in last, maybe all the caves are taken by territorial cichlids, that would be tough on the catfish. I'd put them in first, but hey, I'm a Syno-nut.
Taking in what I just told you, it's ALSO nice, if there are more caves than cichlid breeding pairs (cavedwellers counting, of course) ; this way there are some vacant rooms for the Syno's.
Maybe Dinyar can fill in something, he's much more daring than I
couldn't resist! :twisted: :lol: :wink: :roll:
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Post by Dinyar »

I'd put them in first. Most cîchlids tend to not "play nice" at the best of times, and giving them the "toys" first will mean they'll never learn to "share" with their other playmates.

Besides, cool as cîchlids are, catfish are cooler, and hence deserve preferential treatment!

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Post by thefishdaddy »

It depends on what are you trying to accomplish, if breeding the Syno. multipunctatus is your priority then adding the cichlids first would have a better success this way the cichlids feel at home and breed a few times then add the catfish, but then if your host fish are Tanganyikan cichlids then your chances will drop to almost zero due to that fact that I have never had any success with them and never heard of any report using Tanganyikan fish as the host. (Synodontis multipunctatus are very hardy fish and can withstand the abuse from the cichlids you dont even need a very large tank to breed them)link below shows two small batches of fry collected from two victorian cichlids housed in a 20 g. long tank. ... .Agpbs1Aj1

on the other hand if your talking about the Neo. multipunctatus "shell dweller" add the sand dwelling fish first AKA xenos, then shell dwellers, third would be the rock dwellers and the top dwellers like Cyps. can go in any time......
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Post by MultiPunk »

Thanks guys. Bottom to top it is then, and yes there are more hiding places than fish.
These are my first catfish and first cichlids so my objective is to try to keep 'em all alive for a while. Should any cichlids breed that would be a huge bonus but any fry in the tank will be fair game I'm afraid. :P
I love that comment, cichlids are cool and catfish are cooler, I'm sure I'll get some mileage out of that one! :lol:
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