Auburn University develops hybrid catfish
Posted: 27 May 2005, 08:32
The Aquarium Catfish website
natefrog wrote:I wonder if these fish are sterile?
Bronzefry wrote:That should make the bottom fall out of the catfish farming market. 7.5 cents per fingerling. I'm sure they have good intentions of feeding the world, (like with the rice that supposedly prevents blindness). I'd worry about them getting loose in the wild. I really enjoy the species we already have.
No worries, I see the ambiguity now, I guess that's "old dog moderator" disease creeping in and I had just assumed you hadn't read the article as I had presumed they wouldn't go to the trouble of perpetually producing hybrid fingerlings if the fingerlings grew up viable.natefrog wrote:Jools...I'm sorry if I did not make that clear in my initial question. I am always curious and asking many questions in my biology classes too, but I'll make sure I frame them correctly in the future.
Far from it. If channel cats were as versatile as say, in adapting to foreign habitats, it'd be a pest (or a dangerous unwanted introduction). The only CITES-listed catfish is .I thought that the chan(n)el catfish was a CITES protected species (or is that the 'giant' European variety?
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a blue cat?