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What would you do L134 male

Posted: 14 May 2005, 05:14
by xinguinsis
Hi All,
Vacuumed out L134 fry they looked about 3 to 4 days of absorbing egg sac.Water paramaters are appropriate for species from reading.Have breeders of this species had problem males before . He doesn't seem to fan much at all but I put that down to good water and circulation etc I's he just a bad Dad? Should I move power head direction I'ts cutting across the face of the cave ?Please help 4th failed spawn and I'm from the school that grown men crying I'snt a good look but I'm getting close to that.
Regards Chris

Posted: 15 May 2005, 23:57
by Line
Hello Chris

How are your waterparametres?

It's not my impression, that the L134 are that fond of current - good supply of oxygene though.

Failed Spawns and problem males... well I had two problem males - always kicking out the eggs and the fry. One had to have several spawns before he stopped that joke.

But I have had some lost spawns apparently without reason - until I found out, that a turbellaria worm (planaria) had moved in. They hide away during the day under rocks and wood and come out when it is dark. They eat/damage the eggs.
Easy to find since they are about 1-2 cm long. Just an idea.



Posted: 17 May 2005, 09:34
by xinguinsis
Hi Line,
Water parameters are now
cond 50ppm
ph 6.5
do 6ppm
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate got to get kit back but it will be low.

Regards Chris

Posted: 17 May 2005, 20:27
by Line
Hello again Chris

Well - I can't see any reason for problems in your waterparametres.
Sorry - but what is "do" ?

I probably understood your first posting a little wrong - the 3-4 days old fry - they were dead ?

That is a hard one..

Perhaps problems from tapwater .. Cu ...

You could try to describe your tank in every detail, how you run it and so on.. perhaps that will give someone an idea..



Posted: 18 May 2005, 07:15
by xinguinsis
Hi Line,
do I mean dissolved oxygen.No copper in water I've checked.
Dead fry I was talking about were fry that were dead but had about 3 to 4 days to go before absorbing egg sac and requiring food if they were alive.I emptied male out of cave in desperation and found 4 fry still alive. I have lost 3 out of the 4 but the remainder is looking good.The perants are quite young so I'm hoping this is just a problem that will pass soon as they produce a better egg.I hope.
Regards Chris

Posted: 18 May 2005, 15:10
by Line
Hello Chris


Okay - young parents sometimes eat eggs, kick out eggs and do other foolish things - but dead fry....
And eggs should be good enough - since there were fry..

Let us hope, somebody has an idea.



Posted: 18 May 2005, 16:33
by xinguinsis
Hi Line ,
Appreciate I'm probably in denial and just reaching.Did have ancistrus spawning a little while ago at a young age which threw small eggs. The eggs hatched but many were deformed and I had a huge mortality rates.Egg size appeared to get larger after a few spawns and fry problems were no more.Hoping it was something like this. Had I not had the ancistus experience I'd write it of as silly myself.But yes I'd love to hear anyboby elses ideas or experiences.
Regards Chris