plecs aggressive to bettas?

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plecs aggressive to bettas?

Post by gibbylover2 »

just wondering if occasionally plecs can be aggressive to other fish like bettas coming down to the bottom to eat their food. i reckon plecs are territorial. i have recently placed a betta in with 2 gibbies, gold nugget and joselimaianus in 40 gallon, and notice the betta sometimes goes down to the bottom to feed or explore. since then noticed a couple small are patches, like scales missing, on top of the betta near head end. didn't notice this in other tank, where he had managed to get himself stuck on the filter intake (but damage should have been to side of body rather than top if was from this.)
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Post by MatsP »

Like I said the other day, my Ancistrus' will definitely defend their food against "intruders". Same with Gold nuggets, as far as I can tell.

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Post by dancingdryad »

As far as I can tell most plecs are teritorial to some degree. My male bristlenose can't stand Angelfish for some bizarre reason and used to swim up into the water column to have a stab at them... The females were ok most of the time but got really stroppy when they were ready to breed, chasing anything that moved, including Neons that came down to pick at the gravel. No harm was ever done though.

I did have a beautiful Sailfin Plec superb fin and markings just totally gone in the head... He wouldn't live in the community tank with the other fish, would go around and around the tank like something demented chasing every fish that caught his attention, so I moved him in with my Ornate Polypterus. The Sailfin would constantly shove the bit of wood that the Poly was hiding in around the tank. And when the Poly ventured out the Sailfin would literally toss him about like a twig. Also the Sailfin wouldn't tolerate me putting my hand in the tank or even putting my head over the top of it. It became a bit of a ritual to open the lid of the tank, rapidly stand back, wait for the thud as the Sailfin jumped out and landed on the floor, then the chase across the carpet and putting an infuriated Sailfin back into the tank. I looked for a reason for this behaviour, tested water quality, put plants in the tank, took them out, put wood in the tank, put rocks in the tank, changed the substrate, the only time he seemed content was when he was totally on his own. I sold him in the end after he nearly took my eye out with a particularly well aimed leap from the tank although at the time I was highly tempted to BBQ him.

The other plecs I have don't seem to care much at all about other fish and the disputes are mainly among themselves.
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Post by natefrog »

That sailfin story is just about the funniest thing I've ever heard. I would'nt want a spiny pleco hitting me in the face, my god.
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Post by dancingdryad »

Glad it amused you natefrog :D

That sailfin was about a foot long not incl his tail. Thought he was going to take the end off my little finger one time I tried to pin him down to get him back in the tank, clamped his fins to his side trapping my finger... not something you do a second time when grabbing one of those things I can tell you :shock:

I didn't think sailfins were usually that aggressive though. I still admire them but am a bit afraid to get another one just incase it's just as loopy as the last one. Is this common behaviour or did it just has psycho tendencies?
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Post by gemjunkie »

I have had plecos kill bettas. One species in particular, would jump on my mouthbrooding male and just take a chunk out. Wild male betta died within a couple days from the severe bite.

I've had other plecos that are supposed to be peaceful start scrapping here of late (L200s). Among themselves and with the other fish in the tank. Only 3 of them in a 55g and they killed one of two of another species already (L038). Will be moving the survivor out today.....

I'm definetly going to watch what I put in with these fish from now on...
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Post by Elspeth »

dancingdryad wrote:I didn't think sailfins were usually that aggressive though. I still admire them but am a bit afraid to get another one just incase it's just as loopy as the last one. Is this common behaviour or did it just has psycho tendencies?
Sailfin=Gibby=P. gibbiceps?

If so, ONE of our sailfins is loco! Mine is a youngun still, less than 2 years old, but has always been an exemplary community fish. I haven't needed to handle him (her? it? with these fish I assign gender!) much, but he did get a plant rubber band stuck on his head about the time we decided not to use rubber bands in the tanks anymore, and he was unusually calm about its removal.

I think mine is more the textbook personality type. I'd try again if I were you. Mine is really a joy!

On the other hand, I think you win on "has a lot of personality." Loopy, but memorable!!
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Post by catfishgrrl »

My sailfin has his own terra cotta pot that he (I assign genders as well) defends against the other plecs and fish in the tank (L330, L47, a male bristlenose,various tetras, and small SA catfish). The larger he gets, the more territorial he has become. The other fish have learned to leave him be.
When I first added my L-330 (which I've named Matilda), they had a couple "encounters" that left her fins ripped.
At one point I thought I was going to have to move her to another tank. A year and a half later and 'Gibby' hangs out on one side of the tank and 'Matilda' hangs out on the other. He's never rasped off anyones scales though.
I kept an L-200 (named Toxi) and he pretty much stayed to himself, but could be pissy from time to time when anyone came around his piece of driftwood.
All of my plecs shove each other around during feeding..."No that piece is mine! No, I saw if first!"
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Post by megladonsharky »

my pitbull is peaceful with my betta evan lets the betta swim by and side to side touch
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Post by gibbylover2 »

hi there
well my bettas scrapes are healing well with melafix, think it was the filter escapade as have put another betta in with my plecos and no probs so far. he even ventures into their caves and the most i've seen is the albino one just flick his tail at him when he flared at it.

i guess fish can be highly variable in temperament, just like humans, judging by the stories i've read above!

same with bettas - my first betta loves to take food from my finger, the other seems to think my finger is either a mate or competition - he curls around it, then attacks it.

i love fish with personality.

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Post by jen.nelson »

...and personality can vary from betta to betta... I had a seemingly very placid male betta (never flared at me or at his own reflection, always acted a bit timid) hanging out in the quarantine tank, providing the service of keeping it somewhat cycled for me, and I put a pl*co in with him and he went after it - the fish was at least 3X his size. I would have expected that from the flare-at-everything, ready to kick my butt every time I walk by betta in the OTHER tank... wound up running out and buying another small aquarium. Live and learn... :)

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