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Warning! Forum Spammer Trojan attempting Access....

Posted: 09 May 2005, 02:48
by Reddaggerz
Hello everyone!

My names Red, and I'm a spammer, pretty much. I live to post on forums, it is really my only means of entertainment. (Sad, isn't it? :( )

I got a half dozzen otocinclus catfish and thats it for now, I only have a wee 30 gallon tank at the moment.

I came looking for a few friends but it looks like they havent posted recently , so I'll have to go looking for them. In the meantime, I like to play the fool all the time, so hopefully you'll find me enjoyable, that is if you manage to find me at all....I got a full time spamming job at my own site! :razz:

Posted: 09 May 2005, 10:42
by kev
welcome to the site Red :D .


Posted: 09 May 2005, 10:48
by MatsP
Welcome, Red!

Just curious, where in the world is WPBFL? I've never heard of the place... I guess it's an abbreviation, somewhere in Florida perhaps?


Posted: 09 May 2005, 11:44
by Reddaggerz
MatsP wrote:Just curious, where in the world is WPBFL?
West Palm Beach, and you are correct, that is in Florida. 8) It's on the Atlantic seabord jusr East of Lake Okeechobee. :D

Thanks for the welcome, guys. I gotta go for a few days, but I'll be back to start my illustrious spamming career here. See ya then. :razz:

Posted: 09 May 2005, 19:15
by medaka
Hi Red

if your are settleing on spamming here you had better read this

Posted: 12 May 2005, 19:42
by Reddaggerz
That's all fine and dandy as most sites have those, and I see the need to keep your advice and business sections of the site free of useless banter.However, I mainly live in the off topic sections of the sites and post my little heart out getting to know folks, and I don't necessarily see the harm in posting wildly in these sections.

I might even occasionally have a question about my cats, but I've have them for a while, I don't seem to have any trouble with them.

Medeka, thanks for the welcome to the site, and please, try not to take me too seriously, as I usually don't take myself seriously. :wink:

Posted: 14 May 2005, 17:26
by Graeme
Pointless! :!:


Posted: 15 May 2005, 02:40
by Reddaggerz
Jest trying to speak easy. :lol: