Perrunichthys perruno

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Perrunichthys perruno

Post by reecord »

is it toataly bizar to have a Perrunichthys perruno in a 425L tank with discus fish in it?
please excuse my english!
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Post by Shane »

Not if they are feeder Discus!
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Post by fishmadbarry »

The discus will get spooked by the barbels of your perruno as it hunts, even whilst its sitting there with its barbells spread in wait for food to swim close enough. your perruno will jump a bit every time your discus stray to close and this will cause your discus to dart around the tank. They will damage themselves on tank decor and will also be damaged by the perruno when he attempts them as a meal. Its not a great idea, should really be a temporary arrangement.
The cat will appreciate the excessive amounts of frozen food that gets put in for the discus and my B. Jureunse really seems to like the beef heart.
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