Dorsal Fin Posture

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Dorsal Fin Posture

Post by sirbooks »

When cories are at rest, does the posture of their dorsal fin say anything about their health, mood, or stress level? I'm just curious, as my cories sometimes hold their dorsal fin fully erect, but usually let it sag a little. Most of the pictures I see of other Corydoras show nice, tall dorsals. Either that, or the dorsal fins are drooping slightly. I'm guessing that it doesn't mean much, but I would like to put my mind at ease.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Post by bronzefry »

I've noticed with Paleatus, that the slight droop may indicate relaxing. This is the smaller of 2 females.

While laying eggs, you can see she's got her fin up full:

I don't know what to make of this, but I'm glad I caught the picture. Usually the male is doing the "Cory kiss". This time, they were a week away from mating. She's the alpha female and he's the alpha male. You can see the relaxed fins on both. When the male kisses her, the fins are usually full up.

I don't know if this helps you, but this is what I observe. Please take it with a grain of salt. I don't have much experience.
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