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zebra pleco more problems!

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 23:14
by martin808
After buying my zebras about a month ago they are now spending more and more time out in the open, over the last few days I have noticed one of them wriggling oddly (almost like he is trying to shake something off him) forwards into the flow of the power filter then drifting back a bit and repeating it several times.Ive owned a few cats in the past but never seen behaviour like this.
I have also noticed 2 of the zebras have the tip of the tail missing when others have a good pointed tail .Is this normal or has anyone got any ideas?The water quality has been good with ph7, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate never more than 15ppm.
I also have trouble feeding them, Ive tried feeding them in the morning before I go to work but its always untouched when I get back, I feed them in the evening with bloodworm thats almost always gone in the morning but they wont touch anything else.Ive tried krill,prawn and 3 types of prepared food .How often and how much should I be feeding 4 juv zebras any ideas anyone?
p.s. sorry for all the questions in one post!

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 04:28
by ClayT101
As far as the tails go, it may have been bitten off or something like that. Some of mine have gorgeous tails while others are very tiny. It also may have to do with a previous illness. 2 of mine had a battle with ick about 6 months ago and it messed up their tails and pectoral fins. They are very healty now, but the fins never regained their beautiful form. :(

As for feeding, mine eat voraciously. They love bloodworms and brine shrimp. They also eat sinking pellets and shrimp pellets. I've tried mussels with no luck. I have also tried beef heart, but I am not sure if they ate it or not. I feed mine at night and turn the power heads off for about an hour so that the food does not flow away.

The only times that I have noticed mine wiggle is when I turn off the powerheads. I am pretty sure they do this because they know its feeding time. Who knows, maybe yours is just excited and trying to entice another one to mate.


Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 10:07
by markyboy22
I wouldn't be too concerned with the twitching, nearly all of mine have displayed this at one time or another, I can only explain in in human terms and to me it's like their stretching, or just getting rid of some excess energy. Mine sort of shimmy about and often stretch their tails around towards their heads. It's a daily occurance in my tank.
With regards to the eating have you tried King British sinking Catfish Pellets? these seem to be very popular.

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 22:49
by T
I have noticed my gold nugget sometimes does the movement you describe, he is other wise healthy so I wouldnt worry too much.

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 19:46
by martin808
Thanks for the help on the twitching you have put my mind at rest but a bigger problem has now come up.A third zebra has now lost the tip of his tail the only one with a tail intact is the smallest and tends to stay out of the way.Also Ive noticed one with a slight cut on one of his fins with a little blood showing and cloudy eyes.They could fighting for the dominant role in the tank but I havent seen any scuffles yet .The tank water still remains good at 7ph , 2d gh ,2d kh ,0 ammonia , nitrite 0 ,15ppm nitrate .Its all very streesfull to me the keeper, can anybody shed any light on the subject or am I worrying too much?

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 20:08
Martin what else is in the tank fish wise and as anything been added recently. I am very concerned you say they are loosing there caudal fins. As for feeding they take time to settle in. As many have said KB pellets work well but I also use JBL pellets Hagen catfish tabs, tetra treats and tetra prima as staple foods for these fish in the morning with a mixture of frozen foods in the afternoons. They love fast flowing water rich in oxygen so make sure you have sufficient amounts.

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 22:49
by martin808
Thanks for the rapid reply stingray.The zebras are the only fish in the tank which has plenty of cover ,driftwood for them to eat if the feel like it ,a tank flow rate of about 4 times per hour and temp is at 80f.I will try using the brands of food you recommend but they seem to only eat bloodworm in the evening Ive tried it in the morning with no luck at all.Ive also tried feeding them JMC catfish pellets,Hagan bottom feeder pellets and hikari pellets all with no luck.

Posted: 13 Mar 2003, 23:13
by ClayT101
I would slowly raise the temp to near 88F. Thats the temp I try to keep mine at. In addition, perhaps you would want to treat with a general antibiotic like melafix.

Posted: 14 Mar 2003, 20:45
Unless the melafix in the states is differen't to ours it does not contain any antibiotics. It is an anti bacteracide based around T tree oil, it works well when used when acquiring new fish and in conjunction with antibiotics to treat flexibacter and other serious infections. I have kept Zebras as high as 90f but not for long periods 86f is our average temp for them.

Posted: 16 Mar 2003, 20:09
by martin808
Thanks for all the advice everyone.Ive tried giving the cats some brine shrimp which goes down well and the tetra prima gets nibbled on.Ive also raised the tank temp to 84f and added king british fin clear .The tails dont look like they are getting worse and I think one of them is growing back a bit.The zebra with the cut (which also looks a bit better)is staying out of the way of the remaining three.Is it possible he is a subdominant male after being on the losing end of a battle?
Again thanks for all the advice and any more will be greatfully received.