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Can I Do Anything With These?

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 23:01
by bronzefry
I have a Radican Marble Sword that went crazy and threw off a bunch of daughter plants. I have the daughters in a 10 gallon tank. I pruned the plant back a bit after doing this. I think a few buds got loose in the tank. The surface of the tank has looked like this for a few days:
Is there any particular way to save these and grow them out? Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 10:50
by Durlänger
Hey Bronzefry
What name in latin :?:
Have you better pictures :?:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 11:54
by Silurus
Echinodorus cordifolius

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 20:33
by bronzefry
Let's see if these are any better:
Some have one rootlet, some have two. Could I try them in rockwool on top of the tank? There are thousands of them.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 22:39
by fishguyeric
That is duckweed, it is easy to grow, and will literally take over a tank.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 06:05
by metallhd
Another word of advice, duckweed is like snails - it seems like even one is plenty. I routinely do my best to get every speck of it out of my 10 gallon, down to the last bit, but it seems to get to a critical mass, like glosso, then off it goes! Good luck! :?

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 08:46
by sidguppy
it's messy, I agree.

you root in your tank and look like the Swamp Thing when you finish; it gets EVERYWHERE

BUT it is THE best nitrate vacuumcleaner anywhere.....every fistful you get out is a fistful of converted fishpoop and nitrates; it's a very good plant to keep a tank healthy and running.

there's also NO faster way of cycling a tank than pitching some of these in a new set up.....

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 21:45
by bronzefry
It probably came in with the plants that I got recently that had the snails that burrowed into the Chaestoma. They completely botched the order, too. Good thing I prune my plants often. :lol: It is taking over the surface very quickly. Thanks for the help.

(Free burrowing snails and Duckweed with every purchase!! :? It wasn't on the website...)