Need Ideas

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Grubby Sculpin
Posts: 19
Joined: 28 Jan 2005, 19:23
Location 1: Maine

Need Ideas

Post by Grubby Sculpin »

Hi all. Im in the process of rearranging the living room and am planning on buying a new tank. Probably it will be either a 75 or 90 (48"x18"). Id like to get a 60" long tank but not many are available. Anyway, Im a huge fan of lima shovelnose but they might get a little too large for the 75 or 90. (If I can get a bigger tank I will go with a couple limas). So I need ideas for catfish for the tank. Im a big fan of predatory catfish and I already have a striped and a spotted raphael in another tank. So I need ideas as to what to get, hopefully either central or south american. Maybe pictus but Id like something a little less common. Also in the tank there will be a handful of less aggressive, medium-size cichlids (firemouth, etc) Thanks for your help.
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