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Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 21:09
by jscoggs27
I posted some pics and after some experimentation they seemed to work. but now after a couple of hours there not working anymore. What am i doing wrong?

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 08:34
by Jools
They look fine to me.


Posted: 29 Jul 2003, 17:16
by Frisckey1
When I tried to post pictures, someone had to fix them for me. What am I doing wrong? I go to my album, right click on the picture, copy the link and use the image tag button on the message to post it. But when I submit the message, all I see are x in the upper left corner of where the pic oughtta be. I was looking for FAQ on how to post pics properly, but couldn't seem to find what fit what I was asking.

Can someone tell me how to do it right?

For instance here's a pic:

(url) ... n38/Pleco2

but when I use the image tag, it still doesn't show:


Or this way: Image

OK...nevermind. I figured it out...I'm such a ditz sometimes... :roll: