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Black Lancer not a good tank mate

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 08:51
by kasper2234
Hi guys Im new to this awesome site...

i have read alot of your popsts but i hadnt came on here, but now i am

I'm having a problem with my tank... i gotta 50 gal

i have 3 mollies

3 cichilds

l blue lobster

apple snail

1 normal pleco

2 Plattys

1 ghostnife

2 clown loaches

1 Black Lancer

everytime i turn my tank light off my lancer gets vicious and attacks the other poor fish, it gets along with the pleco and the ghostnife but im worried about my other fishes

do i have to babysit him but having some sort of light for him all the time?

please if anyone know what i should do let me know.


Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 09:01
by Silurus
You don't give the sizes of your fish, but the mollies and platies are probably too small for the lancer (plus they have different optimal water conditions for everything else).

What kind of cichlids do you have, anyway?

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 09:25
by kasper2234
well i have african chiclids but there not that big yet, i know when they get big they become vicious, so i know i will need a new tank... my ghostnife is about 7 inches and my lancer is like 6 inches.

the pet shop manager actually gave me a another lancer for free the other day, cause it said there too vicious, he didnt know what to do with it. but it looks different than my lancer.. its wierd, it had longer wiscers and is usually up side down..

i also had a question for you the pic you got of those 2 silver cats are really cool, can you tell me what they are?

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 09:34
by Silurus
Are you sure the second lancer is not ? Is it in the same tank as the other fish?

What silver catfish? Where?

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 09:45
by Dave Rinaldo

I think he's refering to your avatar.

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 09:58
by kasper2234
Yes and Yes that is the fish i got from him and i was reffering to your avatar........ :)

it looks really nice

Posted: 17 Feb 2005, 12:51
by Silurus
So the "lancer" that is beating up your other fish is the Mystus? If it is, I would say the catfish is being its usual self.

BTW, those are in my avatar. The real thing doesn't look as pretty, of course.

Posted: 18 Feb 2005, 10:26
by kasper2234
No... it isnt that one the one that is atttacking the fish is the black lancer...

and i dont know if the upside down catfish is vicious as well...

you think i should get rid of both of them?

Posted: 18 Feb 2005, 11:30
by Silurus
I would return the upside down and rearrange the tank decor. Return the lancer if that doesn't work (although if it was me, I'd get rid of everything else and keep the lancer).

Posted: 19 Feb 2005, 09:19
by kasper2234
so is the upside down fish more aggresive than the lancer?

i wanna know which one to get rid of

Posted: 19 Feb 2005, 09:24
by Silurus
so is the upside down fish more aggresive than the lancer?

Posted: 21 Feb 2005, 14:43
by mokmu
Yup the Upside down cats are very aggressive. The lancer is okay but will nip at or even eat small fish that will fit in its mouth.

Here, here, HH. Get rid of everything and keep the Lancer.

Mike D.


Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 06:44
by kasper2234
you know what i didnt listen to you guys earlier and you where right, the upside down catfish is very vicious.. 2 days ago i came home and saw one of my ID sharks half way in his mouth.. i coudnt believe it.. so i took a pit of it.. i will try to post it on here for you guys.. but yea now i have the updside down catfish in a little net in the tank.. i donno what to do with him..

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 06:17
by natefrog
I know this post is probably too late but I also live in vancouver and would be willing to house your upsidedown asian cat. I have the space and tankmates that can manage themselves with him so if you are interested in finding a home for him, let me know by PM.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 03:45
by Damion
I have a black lancer that was very mellow. It would come out of it's cave to grab food and return. Never seen it attack any of it's tankmates. But then again, it was the smallest.

Posted: 29 Aug 2005, 02:14
by Blackwater
Where are you guys getting Black Lancers?!?! I have been surfing the web for days trying to find some online in the US!!

Posted: 29 Aug 2005, 03:30
by Damion
Got mine from a chain pet store "Petland Discount" It would hide in the driftwood and come out to snag a pellet

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 17:40
by gtlaw
i don't know about black lancers, but 5-6 years ago i got a mystus leucophasis at a petland i haven't been able to find another one since.

BTW i have kept mine with large central american c1chl1ds even breeding pairs while they are guarding fry, and he has no problem this is one very tough fish currently he's in a 125 with an adult pair of trimacs

Posted: 17 Oct 2005, 11:34
by Piranha
:D I got 1 on Oct in my location (Hong Kong) which it is very aggressive and attack my other SA Cichild!