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What kind of catfish, no picture (sorry)

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 23:18
by beaches4me
Hello all! I just got 3 catfish today from a family who said that they made their little girl nervous or afraid of them because of them being nocturnal and making noise against their tank at night. Anyways, they are about an inch and a half long each, are a irridescent, yellowish orange. More yellow than orange. They seem to be bottom feeders, quite happily snacking on the floor of my aquarium. Their tails are in the form of 'triangle' type fin, with the large part curving inswards slightly, being towards the end of their tails. I do not have lighting on my tank or a camera to take pictures with and the lighting in my kitchen won't allow me to take a picture with my web cam. I would just like to know what they are and know exactly what kind of care they need, mating, etc. If I seen a picture of them I would be able to say yay or nay but have not been able to find them online yet. Something similiar but not quite, yet. If anyone has any idea of what I have, please help! Right now they are in with a bunch of guppies the lady also gave me and they all seem to be mingling quite happily. If anyone can, please help!

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 23:31
by Caol_ila

Have you checked the catelog?
click common names and check for albino or gold names...with your "description" its quite impossible to tell what it is...maybe albino Corydoras of some sort...

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 23:43
by Dave Rinaldo

Thank you for all of your help!

Posted: 09 Feb 2005, 00:55
by beaches4me
I just wanted to say thank you for your help! I think I have found it and you were right Caol_ila,they are Albino Corydoras aeneus. Very cool! I was / am so new to the site I had not had time to check out that there was a library, sorry for that yall! Now on to search on this neat little fishies! Info info info!!! Again, Thanks!!

Posted: 09 Feb 2005, 01:12
by Caol_ila

I was ignoring the "nocturnal" part of your posting as they should be active by day if not too scared.
Just treat them like "normal" C.aeneus

normal C. aenus questions

Posted: 09 Feb 2005, 17:11
by beaches4me
Okay, now that I have defined that my fish are C.aenus, what is normal for them? I was trying to sift through all of the information on here...there is so much! I will continue to look and search on here and on the net...but if anyone can show me a link on here or guidelines, tank wise, how big they get, any specific, all, would all be welcome! what kind of filter, heated water, temp....I was on here late last night looking through postings on the C. aenus but still did not quite find everything I was looking for. Everything is very much welcome! And thank you everyone for helping!!

Posted: 09 Feb 2005, 17:25
by MatsP
You'll want to look at the Cat-eLog entry for .

Once you've done that, you can ask further questions, if you feel that you need to know more. These further questions should of course be asked in the Corydoras part of the forum (about 5 items below the "what is this" part on the forum menu).
