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Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 19:16
by Shane
I broke down the tank to move a couple weeks ago and have not set it back up.

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 06:24
by nivola
Like your Idea here and am wondering what piping you have used.

What should I use and what should I stay away from???

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 11:20
by MatsP
I don't know what it's like in Australia. The pipes shown in Shane's pictures are (I think) PVC pipes for water distribution used in the US. I don't know if those are available in Oz, but I guess you can get some sort of pipes in the right size and have a variety of joints.

In England, I know that you can get waste-water pipes in PVC, which should work just as well. It's not any enormous pressure you're working with, so as long as the pipes don't come apart from the pressure, you should be OK.

Go to your local hardware/plumbing shop and have a look.

Alternatively, you could try the local fish shop. I have seen some companies selling plumbing for aquariums, but at three to five times the cost of local plumbing shop... :-(

By the way, you should definitely not use copper pipes. They could poision some sorts of aquatic life, including fish(snails and other invertebrates are the first to go).


Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 13:16
by Shane
As Mats pointed out, it is just regular PVC available at any Home Depot or hardware store in the Americas. The amount of pressure is so small that it is not a factor. Now the pressure in my leaky RO set up is another plumbing problem...

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 22:16
by bronzefry
I've found a monster multi-pack of teflon tape, plenty of spare jaco parts and meditation helps. I wrote to Kent Marine and asked them if they could please think about making a membrane housing for people with arthritis. You know, like easy-open tops? I never got a response. :roll:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 04:31
by nivola
thanx guys for the help.

I asked because I have had a horror story before and seen some so I just didnt want to go down the same track again!!!

Now I just got to get the piping and some substrate and it shall be go!

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:29
by Shane
Teflon tape aka RO system Band-Aid. Love that stuff.