It will be interesting to hear what Ryan says, but I think that these are reasonable assumptions.which observed weight loss in these panaques when fed a wood-only diet. If the species identification is correct, these fish are natural wood eaters and not primarily algae eaters. Considering this, then fish in captivity which get fed an algae-only or algae- and wood-diet are probably getting a nutrient-rich diet, relative to what they get in nature. And if we work on the assumption that fish in nature are at least satisfactorily nourished (since they are growing and reproducing), then this would mean fish in captivity should experience greater than normal body growth on the algae diet. As a result, if we then put them on a wood-only diet, I can imagine that there would be a natural metabolic contraction, with an associated weight-loss, or at least serious slowing of growth rate, on this nutrient-limiting diet. This would create the appearance, in the data, that that these fish are not adapted to survive exclusively on a wood-only diet; but it might simply be that their bodies are realigning with a more natural, balanced metabolism and growth rate
I also think that not all wood is equal, by this I mean that the heart wood of trees may be fully lignified (with an extremely high carbon to nitrogen ratio), but that any sap wood eaten by the fish would have more available nutrients present.
Again just a hunch, but there is also the microbial content of the wood to take into account. It may be that the combination of the fishes nitrogen fixing/cellulose degrading gut microflora, and the small addition of available carbohydrates & nitrogen from fungal hyphae etc in the wood, tips the nutrient balance in the fishes favour.
I'm not a microbiologist, or a fish physiologist, but I've always thought that it would be surprising if the only adaptation to wood eating that these fish had developed was their extremely modified dentition.
I've had some correspondence with Joy Watts (and with Donovan German), and she told me that the method of preparation of the gut was important. The reason for this was that, rather than being in a specialized structure, the nitrogen fixing microbial assemblage etc was occurring in a mucus layer lining of the gut.
More details are in this thread <Panaque gut microbes ... 4&p=268294>.
cheers Darrel