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Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 12:37
by Narwhal72
Ok well let me get this straight .... The fish that are in a earlier post with green gravel they are all gone also if you read the whole thread nobody completely confirmed what the pleco was ... Since then I got new ones and as for them being that small and young and they have different markings on the head and being more redish I can only go by what pple tell me and what I see from pics and what my supplier says as well.... As for sending in the mail!??this my friend is def illegal but literally Impossible because they would feel the water in the package im sure please Get your facts in order a cause these were not sent by mail at all they were sent by a delivery service just to get that part straight
BS excuses. You must be reading some different imaginary thread. The fish was positively identified as P. maccus and was repeatedly denied as ever being L306. You mention that they came from a local supplier. Probably the same one you got the most recent "L306" from too isn't it? You have scammed two people now and been caught red handed. How you can continue to deny wrongdoing is beyond me.

If you didn't use a governmental carrier it may not be mail fraud. But it's still fraud. There is clearly a lot of evidence that you misrepresented the identity of these fish in order to charge a higher price.

It's not up to me to pursue charges against you. But the consumer(s) who purchased these fish from you certainly can. I suggest you make it right before things get even worse for you. YOU made the mistake. Own up to it now or pay the price later is all I can tell you.

Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 18:59
by Dave Rinaldo
All said.... the fish pictured/received/sent at the top of this thread are .

Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 20:01
by catfishchaos
This thread is starting to bum me out. I mean the title in itself is very misleading of the threads turn out... I realize that the money is gone and I realize that even though I'm out 200 dwelling on it will not do anything. What we need to focus on know is the fish I have on hand. Yes I'm bummed there not what I asked for but they are nice. There in good health, and there entertaining. I've been trying to take pictures but they make it very difficult Lol usually I'm lucky to see a tail or pectoral fin dangling from the wood. My fear know that I know they have wrongfully Id'd is that they have been wrongfully sexed so I'll tear apart my fish tank tonight and get them into a bucket to see how many of what I have. I have noticed that there has been some behavior I've seen from cave spawners happening I think... On of the wood pieces has a small hole that leads into a compartment. I see one fish (acts like the male) guarding the exit often plugging it with his body and staying half in. Are P.maccus cave spawners? I was under the impression they were harder to breed but is this breeding behavior?

I'll get a video if I can and when I get home tonight I'll post more pictures of my little plecos and the other residents because there just SO MUCH more photogenic than the goofy clowns.
Thanks everybody

Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 20:18
by Narwhal72
Sorry your bummed out James. I would be too if I got taken for $200. You put your trust in a retailer and he ripped you off is what it boils down to. It wasn't a simple misidentification mistake. He's done it before. If I were you I would fight to get my money back or at the very list spread the word about him so that others don't get ripped off like you and Carldweller did.

Spawning clowns is a little more difficult than spawning bristlenose but it's pretty much the same method. Provide them with a suitable cave and make sure you have males and females and they will eventually spawn. The cave should be at least twice the lenghth of the male and tall enough that the dorsal fin is not able to be held fully erect. It should be wide enough that the males pectoral fins do not outstretch fully. If the cave is too large, the males cannot trap the females and they won't spawn.

Males are pretty easy to tell apart when they are ready to spawn by the large odontodes (bristles) they will have on the interopercular and rear half of the body. Juveniles and non breeding males will not be as evident. I would recommend using soft water (RO or Deionized water) to help avoid snubnose deformations on the fry. This was something I dealt with in my first spawnings with the similar L15 and have had happen from time to time since then.


Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 02:27
by catfishchaos
Juiceyfish, I'm not sure why you would say I asked for 200 and then post the message were I ask for 160...

To every one following, helping and lurking (I know your there :P) I want to say thank you for helping me through all of this, helping me recover, all your advice, your IDs and your patience. But I need you all to do me a favor, I want you to let this one go. When I look at my fish tank and see everybody happy, healthy, feeding, spawning and showing true colours, I realize that is something that is priceless. I would pay 1000 dollars to keep it that way so 200 is nothing. I'm asking a lot from you guys, and I know you barely know me, But i will change that in the future as I immerse into this forum to learn, help and participate. This is not what this forum is for And I feel bad enough to waste its space with this "war thread". I ask you all to stop encouraging this madness like I have so blindly been doing. I will be starting a thread to discuss my clown plecos and I ask nobody brings anything from this thread over to that one.

to Juiceyfish: you have called me "pathetic" "ignorant" "kid" and that hurts but if you call a 16 year old those things, are you really much better? I admit to being all those things, because every human is at one time or another. But I realize that fighting for nothing is just that.

Juiceyfish: If a ignorant kid is telling you this you might want to rethink your life a little.

Any man can start a war But a grown man can and will walk away when nothing will be gained.

Jools: for the integrity and the purpose of this forum and to preserve what little dignity me and juiceyfish have left please close this thread as soon as you can

I'm done fighting, I just want to talk about plecos with friends, beginners and experts like Planetcatfish is famous for.

Re: Good news everybody!

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 08:25
by Jools
It seems there is little to gain from letting this thread run, and as the OP has also requested it, I will lock it. I think it's time to move on.
