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Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 18:15
by Coriequest
There's an odor but not so stinky that you can't bear it! Lol. My Cory's and otos love the soilent green. The otos especially show great vigor and excitement. Repashy is my favorite food!
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 19:16
by pleco_breeder
I, for one, can deal with the smell. I actually like the smell in small doses, but it does get a bit overbearing when mixing enough to feed more and more fishes. I had to mix enough to feed all my tanks for a week yesterday, but the house needed to air out a bit anyway ;)
The benefits of improved numbers of fry, faster growth, and easier maintenance far outweigh a couple hours with the windows open on a nice spring day.
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 12:48
by Shane
Finally got my hands on some of this (thanks Rachel!) and have been feeding it for a week.
The fish clearly really love the Soilent Green. I have watched three spp of Chaetostoma (which can be tricky eaters to say the least) all go right after it. In just a week it has become my staple for these fish.
You also get a lot of bang for the buck. A pouch of this stuff makes a lot more fish food than one would think. I have not done the exact math, but comparing it to other frozen foods, I would say this is 1/3 to 1/4 as expensive.
Follow Ted's above instructions and add the boiling water to the mix (i.e. don't cook them together in the microwave. Also, do this outside and let the solution cool outside unless you have a very tolerant partner, or one with no sense of smell.
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 10 Mar 2013, 22:16
by mcaquatic
bsmith wrote:So is everyone making 1oz (powder) then just keeping the prepared food in the freezer/fridge in a Tupperware/baggie and this is working out well?>
sorry old thread but I just got the food and want to give it a try. Especially for my quarantine tanks to use with dewormer. Those of you mixing 1 oz powder with 3 oz water. Is 1 ounce of powder essentially two tablespoons? Sorry I don't have a scale.
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 01:24
by jsalas623
Well when it comes to my spoons I would say more like 4 tablespoons
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 08:14
by wilkinss77
seems you can't get repashy fish foods here in the uk, only repashy reptile foods- all links to repashy fish/aquarium foods lead only to sellers in the US.
Re: Repashy Superfoods for fish
Posted: 20 Dec 2013, 09:03
by Barbie
He's working on that, but I also intend to bring some to the CSG convention in March. I'll update this thread if I hear more about an ETA.