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Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 07:29
by christiansen
Christiansen is the scandinav version of my name . When i first started keeping fish in 2009 and joined a Romanian forum, Cristian was allready taken as a username and tought i used other form of the word. On PC i end up for the ID's of some pleco's sold as Ancisturs :ymblushing: . When i realized the huge reservoir of information for catfish this site is , i stayed for hours reading articles and forum threats , that how i got addicted with Corydoras , wich i keep since then .

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 08:04
by ElTofi
AleGer wrote:ElTofi, wow great story!
Did you win the Christmas competition?
I love that story too... and NO, we didn't win any competition... we were out after the second round of 60 seconds ! and believe me, the level was much too high for us to expect anything...

but that was sure a great time !

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 09:39
by Acanthicus

Acanthicus is a genus of course, and my avatar shows my first A. adonis - my favourite pleco.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 10:29
by alpha
Alpha was the name of my Dobermann female.I always use it when is not taken.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 20:29
by arthos
Arthos is celtic wich means bear. My sons name comes from Arthos, his name is Arthur.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 21:31
by PseudaSmart
At first glance mine is easy to figure out. It also was my Aquabid id and I was not very creative when I signed up here.

The story behind the story goes back to the early 1970's when I went to the lfs with my dad. They had a Clown Loach that barely fit in a 5 gallon tank. They had it in there only a short while so people could get a close look. I got to hold the tank. Needless to say I 'was hooked.'

Today I have a group of large Clown Loaches, some I have had for over 20 years. I bought them just before I got married (still married - same wife). They are around 12" I tried to spawn them a few years ago with hormone injections. I got viable eggs but I could never figure out the males.

I think a need a better User name for this site since I plan to stay for awhile.


Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 00:16
by krazyGeoff
likesloaches wrote:I got viable eggs but I could never figure out the males.
off topic but:
I understood that the males had an angular curve at the tips of the tail fin, and the females had a straight end at the tips of the tail fins (or visa versa), but the difference is noticable on fishes > 8cm? ... aches.html

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 03:27
by PseudaSmart
Sent a PM

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 11:34
by Redtailrob
Another Dull one here, Forename is Rob/ert and I've always been interested in Catfish. One of the 1st big Cats I kept was Redtail Catfish.
Cant remember who it was either a friend or a Baliff i was talking too on a fishery that said ....aaah Redtailrob.........& used it on Forums ever since.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 15:36
by Elwood
Coursair wrote:Coursair comes from my Kennel name Coursair Whippets. Not fish related but I started using it before I joined fish related forums.

Hey, I'm a whippets enthusiast me too!
Do you have any dogs on
These are mine:

Anyway, why Elwood?

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 17:00
by Sweety
Well mines due to a nickname i've had for 31 year after starting school due to my surname. The name Sweety carried on when I started work & I used to get some funny looks off people when the boss etc shout Sweety across the garage forcourt :))

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 03:25
by Nabobmob1
Nabob: (n) A rich powerful or important man; a small Town in Central Wisconsin.

Mob: (n) a large and disorderly crowd.

“Nabob” was the “settlement” I grew up in. A church, a tavern, two dozen people and some really bored kids. We became “The Mob”

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 07:47
by bigamefish
Hey everybody !!!! I must say this is a fascinating thing to read about how people get their usernames! My username is really just based on my habits and hobbys I have had this name for a while before I started keeping catfish! A little pictus cat was one of my first fish and I absolutely
Fell in love with him and from that point on I knew I wanted to be a catfish keeper!
But I think my fastination with catfish comes from my username bigamefish I am a fisherman of all things big mean scary! Huge catfish being one of them! In the summer eat sleep and think fishing
And of course my precious aquarium! My interest in Fish keeping flared when I was rescuing
Some small catfish from a drained creek and I decided to try to keep one and I found later that it was a noturus flavus but he was a challenge to keep for a beginner like me too keep he was overly aggressive and could only be feed with live food! He eventuly died and I moved on to tropical catfish! At the moment my most impresive specimen would be my pimelodus ornatus he is 4.5" and
Is quite the character!

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 11:34
by medaka

Medaka's or Ricefish are common names for Oryzias species.
They belong to the Order Beloniformes and the Family Adrianichthyidae.
My first name is Adrian.

So in a basic form: medaka = Adrians fish :ymblushing:

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 14:26
by Taratron
A nickname from when I was a kid and watched the Transformers show, BeastWars, more than any other show. Since most characters had original names (a cheetah robot being called Cheetor, hahahah.) I added a tron to the end of my name. Tara + tron = me.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 20:46
by medaka
when I was a kid and watched the Transformers show, BeastWars,
You poor kid. :YMSICK:

Stingray; now, that was a proper TV series. \M/

Troy Tempest rules O.K. ^:)^

next came Steve Zodiac :-BD

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 21:01
by grokefish
The Groke:

+ fish


Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 21:09
by andregurov
I was opening a pack of tighty-whiteys back in the day and a small slip of paper was in the package assuring quality: "Inspected by andregurov". My roommate bought a pack that was inspected by "euda nastevski". We took the names for our (then brand-new) internet/e-mail accounts. I've been using the name on forums since 1995.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 22:28
by krazyGeoff
andregurov wrote:I was opening a pack of tighty-whiteys back in the day and a small slip of paper was in the package assuring quality: "Inspected by andregurov". My roommate bought a pack that was inspected by "euda nastevski". We took the names for our (then brand-new) internet/e-mail accounts. I've been using the name on forums since 1995.
What an awesome display of "randomness" =))

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 22:57
by grokefish
I agree, best story so far.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 15:00
by Coryman
It means that Corys run through my blood.


Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 22:40
by MrRRunner
Not very obvious :)) just love the Road Runner cartoons (beep beep), aka mrdduck and mrmmouse :-BD

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 22:30
by boyneburn
A friend & myself founded the Portsoy & Distict Angling Association & we leased the fishing rights of the Burn of Boyne from Seafield Estates.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 23:29
by turfboss
I own a company that installs synthetic turf and I am the boss - was much more appropriate in that business than here but changing all the e-mail addresses etc is a pain so it is what it is. :d

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 22:14
by Skägget
If you translate my nick to English it will be the beard. It´s because I often have beard and also because the looks of the Ancistrus species.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 29 Jan 2012, 15:17
by L number Banana
First catfish I ever noticed was a Queen Arabesque so the L Number and the Banana?...real name rhymes with banana.
Other forum names are pretty self explanatory - Godsmacked (band), Firehorse (Chinese sign), NinjaNightRider - (ride bike mostly in the dark). Kinda boring.

The only weirdness to report wrt my forum name here? My sister in the UK just adopted an older little girl and her nickname is Banana. :-O Cool.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 29 Jan 2012, 21:28
by tjudy
t = Ted and Judy is my last name For some reason people are often confused as to my gender. I don't get it... :-\

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 02:06
by Shane
Same Ted Judy that will be speaking in Raleigh next month? ... index.html

If it is, I actually picked up a back issue of TFH today because I noted your article on collecting in Cameroon.

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 19:21
by Alisana
Alisana is an anagram from "An Alias"

.... Simple enough, not overly creative. lol

Re: What does your username mean?

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 05:07
by tjudy
@ Shane... yes, that's me. Look forward to meeting you!