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Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 09:00
by jac

Thanks for your reply :D I did read that article (over and over :mrgreen: ) and I've fed them what Janne said. I also heard that they might be vegetarian so I'll try this too. Some one I know who breeds L46 feeds only green tablets the first few weeks.

I have also learned that these baby's will not go and look for food, they like it served. So started to feed them with a seringe filled with dissolved dry foods. They also seem to like the cyclops :D

Good news is that the baby on the last picture is starting to eat. I saw him feeding yesterday and this morning. He looks better than the other baby left in the trap. Think he won't be so lucky....

Keeping fingers crossed :wink:

Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 13:05
by pleco22
feeding small Hypancistrus is very easy with living artemia/brine shrimp nauplii. In my opinion, feeding them right in the first weeks is the key to a good growth rate. If not, they will grow very slow.

After the first days you can add pulverized tablets with algae. Try to feed them 6 to 8 times day and night. If they are over 4 weeks old, feeding is not critical anymore.


Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 14:23
by jac

Thanks for your comment.

As I have never had any problems with my other hypancistrus fry, this came as a surprise to me. It's a big turning point for me. Even getting this species to breed is a step up the ladder for me. Hoping to breed L46 in the near future, so all the (home) training on bringing up more delicate fry is very helpful :thumbsup:

What a wonderful hobby it is :foggie:

Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 17:19
by jac
Some more pictures:

Fry now 4 days old (sorry for the poor quality)


The 3 week old baby in the trap looks to be picking up and has a nice full belly now

But the most proud of these little ones, doing fine on their own with a little bit of help of spot on seringe feeding


That is dad btw, still taking good care of his 8 new fry :D

Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 13:32
by Yann

I used to take them out and put them in a nursery for the first few days post free swimming...but now I leave them in the main tank...also there might be some losses they seem to do much better now...plenty hidding place, gravel and a lot of space to grow out!!
I notice you dont have gravel on your tank...for me it seems it is better to have some, it create way less problem than always seems to have a "white" film on the glass which often leads to disease.
ALso it traps food which the young can find easily and help them to grow better...
Amybe you shoud try a tank with and one without


Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 18 Aug 2010, 18:50
by jac
I did decide to put in some gravel and it works fine. Haven't had any losses since I started to feed with the seringe.
The new baby's have hatched yesterday, only 4 were kicked out the others still left with dad in the cave :D

I hope things have settled down now and I can enjoy the beautiful fry :wink:

Thanks for all the advice :thumbsup:

Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 09 Sep 2010, 20:01
by jac
Photo update:


Hardly any drop out of fry lately :D

Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 19:36
by jac
Still going strong.


Re: Breeding L260

Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 19:47
by jbmm