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Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 08:04
by MatsP
L200 are pretty much omnivores, so they will eat "a bit of everything".


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 14:32
by squid
MatsP wrote:L200 are pretty much omnivores, so they will eat "a bit of everything".


thanks mats :)
btw here are some pictures of them eating shrimps.


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 15:11
by MatsP
Looks nice. Make sure you ALSO give them some vegetable food, just to make it even.


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 15:33
by squid
MatsP wrote:Looks nice. Make sure you ALSO give them some vegetable food, just to make it even.


thanks Mats :) Their staple diet now is Zuchinis, I also give them Veggie pellets :)
but they get some shrimps when i feed my clown loaches :)

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 17:25
by 2wheelsx2
I just half my sweet potato and put it raw into my tank with panaque. In the other tanks with Hypans and Ancistrus, I slice them, but also don't peel them. They seem to enjoy the peel as much as the meat. I just give it a really good scrub before putting into the tank.

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 06:33
by avianwing
MatsP wrote:
I never boil potato or sweet potato for adult fish. If it's fry (or tiny fish such as Otos), then boiling it will make it more easy to bite chunks of.

Sorry for reviving an old thread but wanted to know if a 1 inch or 1.5 inch bristlenose counts as an adult and whether i can feed them raw potatoes and sweet potatoes.


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 11:15
by MatsP
Anything over 3/4"(2cm) I would definitely feed raw vegetables. I don't actually feed cooked vegetables to ANY of my fish at present - only if I'm really trying to get as many as possible to survive/grow quickly. They do OK on raw vegetables. And it doesn't go mushy in 6 hours in the tank...


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 12:36
by Richard B
I've fed raw garlic cloves (cut in half) to my common B/N & although not a preferred food, they did eat it - i would say if you wanted to feed it, then add it to a mix as indicated in previous posts.

I have also recently been testing some other items with a variety of species that i have available

So for anyone interested, avacado, grapes & banana are all eaten by tanganyikan synos & common B/N

Blue eye lemon ancistrus will also eat grapes.

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 14:59
by avianwing
Dear Mats and Richard

Thank you for your prompt response. I have just placed a slice of raw potato-(but placed it in hot water for 2 mins to get rid of germs) in my tank. Will try banana etc at a later stage.

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 18:03
by MatsP
avianwing wrote:Dear Mats and Richard

Thank you for your prompt response. I have just placed a slice of raw potato-(but placed it in hot water for 2 mins to get rid of germs) in my tank. Will try banana etc at a later stage.
There are EXTREMELY few germs that contaminate both potatos and fish - unless you got the potato that was laying under a dripping fish-counter, or some such, I'd say it's safe to just put a slice of it in the tank.

The greatest threat to fish is other fish with infections, second after that is waterbourne pathogens on plants, rocks and other decorations that come from water courses. Anything that lives/grows/resides in/on land where it's reasonably dry is 99.9% certain to be safe in the tank [unless it's toxic in itself].


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 12:18
by avianwing
I was probably being overcautious. Next time I will just drop it in raw. ... otostream/

But rather than my bristlenose, it is my lone Garra cambodgeinsis which is attracted to the potato. In fact either they have completely ignored it or have been chased away by the Garra though I did not find any evidence for the latter :-p

Should I remove the piece after 6 hours?


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 13:52
by MatsP
Potato lasts quite a while in water - 24 hours should be fine.

Of course, you do need to worry about the Garra "monopolising" the food.


Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 14:01
by FunkyFredFrog
mine never would touch garlic - nor pea's

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 06 Feb 2014, 06:06
by squid
Anybody tried feeding Chayote?
I tried and my bristlenose seem to love them like they love cucumbers.
would there be any harm to make this their staple food?

Re: Potatoes as main diet?

Posted: 06 Feb 2014, 12:48
by Richard B
Chayote - i had to look this one up. I think this should be fine, i need to find this before i can try it myself though.