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Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:18
by Carp37
some of my pictures are a bit dodgy... I'd hate to choose a "favourite" fish, although the Callichthys are the best to hand-feed as they go hyper for frozen bloodworm cubes and finish up sat in my hand wagging their tails.

male Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

young hoplo

Synodontis eupterus

male Callichthys

Brochis splendens

Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 13:08
by MatsP
Carp37 - You really need to look into this product called "Window cleaner" - wipe the glass with that before taking photos! ;) Other than that, excellent photos. Must try hand-feeding my Callichthys.


Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 13:21
by Carp37
MatsP wrote:Carp37 - You really need to look into this product called "Window cleaner" - wipe the glass with that before taking photos!
LOL Mats- a lot of those were taken several hours AFTER trying to clean the glass. And my water's fairly soft too! I've tried everything- white wine vinegar a friend gave me works best, but after the next water change the glass is spattered with muck again...

Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 13:39
by MatsP
I did say that in jest, but stronger acid would work - citric acid, coca-cola or muriatic acid, for example (dilute the muriatic - and pour strong acids into water, not water into strong acids!).


Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 13:49
by Carp37
I doubt I'd have the guts to try strong acid- would coca cola really work? (I realise it's quite acidic but also has lots of colourings). I think my problem has more to do with laziness and being a bit slap-happy with water.

Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 13:58
by ahodge84
Hard to pick one favorite, but I guess mine would be my newest, my L47 Mango:


Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 18:59
by nvcichlids
Nice Mango, am I allowed to post my favorite fish, or just catfish?

Re: your best

Posted: 28 Apr 2009, 19:33
by MatsP
Carp37 wrote:I doubt I'd have the guts to try strong acid- would coca cola really work? (I realise it's quite acidic but also has lots of colourings). I think my problem has more to do with laziness and being a bit slap-happy with water.
Yes, I haven't tried CC for this purpose, but it's very good for many other "dissolve solids", so as long as you wash with water and wipe after, it should be fine.


Re: your best

Posted: 04 May 2009, 20:32
by walshy317
that bristlenose is lovely and them hoplos are to.
have you breed them yet?

Re: your best

Posted: 06 May 2009, 12:50
by Carp37
walshy317 wrote:that bristlenose is lovely and them hoplos are to.
have you breed them yet?
The male bristlenose is a long way from being lovely in terms of personality, believe me- he's more agressive than my Tilapia mariae. The hoplos I'm hoping to have a go at breeding soon- as soon as I've got the tank space to put a pair together. The Brochis is a mother and daughter picture though (although the daughter's bigger than the mother now).

Re: your best

Posted: 08 May 2009, 03:48
by nvcichlids
what is the cich lid behind the syno?

Re: your best

Posted: 08 May 2009, 04:39
by Mysticalxwhisper
Bigcatsrus(the bf!) wrote:Well guys I can't choose between my 2 but if I had to it would probably be my hybrid.


your little hybrid kinda looks like mine :) except about 2 feet shorter lol.


Re: your best

Posted: 08 May 2009, 08:29
by Carp37
nvcichlids wrote:what is the cich lid behind the syno?
directly behind the syno is "Geophagus" iporangensis (or at least what's being imported to the UK under that name):

at the extreme right is Tilapia mariae:

both species spawn regularly in that tank, but the syno prevents any fry survival unless I rescue them

Re: your best

Posted: 08 May 2009, 22:29
by walshy317
lovely fish what kind of catfish is that???