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Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 20 Mar 2009, 06:16
by Sp00ky
exhuasting old man.... exhausting LOL!

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 13:20
by Martin S
Come on, don't keep us in suspense guys - how was it?
Looking forward to reading all about the weekend...
Martin :D

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 14:23
by Richard B
Exceedingly good! Mark & Kamphol both presented some brilliant stuff. I believe Jools has some pics to update cat-e-log.

In short, Jools, Mats & i met up at BAS for a look at what they had (Glyptothorax, Mystus, Leiocassis, Corys were the pick of the bunch[probably]). Then off to Pier - awesome, Neil has some amazing fish & really good value - a visit to him should be compulsory for catfish keepers. We met up with TP & The Dark One. Too many species to namecheck really. Then off to AquaLife - it looks disappointing from the outside but what a hidden gem this is :D. A really good range of cats, L nos, Corys, & other stuff but good non-cats too - i'll certainly be back there whenever i'm up that way. Then off to MA Wigan - ok - but after what we had encountered previously it was never going to enthrall us with the selection. Then off to the venue, check in, & meet Kim M & a few others. Mark Walters (Corywally)had some fabulous on show on the Sat morning (think that was the right one). Loads of presentations, eating & drinking, talking all the way through to about 17:45 on Sunday when i headed home - far too much to go into detail about in this post though. Also Pier got in some very interesting Argentinian "coldwater" stuff - watch this space!

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 14:36
by Martin S
Sounds excellent!
Thanks for this - am looking forward to hearing more about it over the coming few days.
Thanks again Richard

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 05:34
by racoll
Sounds like a successful event.

Looking forward to some pictures of your acquisitions!

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 07:28
by kim m
It was a fantastic event. I put faces on some people (Richard B and MatsP) and got so many nice fish that the polybox in my suitcase couldn't hold them :D

I liked Hans' talk mostly, but I'm an incurable Cory-nut...

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 12:03
by Richard B
kim m wrote:It was a fantastic event. I put faces on some people (Richard B and MatsP) and got so many nice fish that the polybox in my suitcase couldn't hold them :D

I liked Hans' talk mostly, but I'm an incurable Cory-nut...
Hans' talk did indeed have some fantastic Corys - plus he has very witty interaction with the audience - i look forward to hearing his next one :D

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 13:24
by Jools
Got to finish this thread off with the following pic!


Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 13:43
by mummymonkey
That corydoras poster looks very interesting Jools. Is it available anywhere?

Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 14:03
by Jools
mummymonkey wrote:That corydoras poster looks very interesting Jools. Is it available anywhere?
Not that I'm aware of, but other convention delegates may know more.


Re: CSG 30th Anniversary Convention

Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 21:28
by Coryman
The poster is part of a project being done at Bangor University by Dr Martin Taylor and Markos Alexandrou, they are DNA sequencing the whole group. The poster shows the various clades and where each species fit within the group, it makes very interesting reading, but it will not be available until the completed work is published.
