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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 11:29
by MatsP
Jools wrote:Should we remove the FAQ and/or replace it? I am reading in this that it's not used much.

I think it may be more complex than that...

Some of the FAQ can probably be placed elsewhere (as one or a few articles).
Some of the FAQ can be removed (because it's not meaningful/used).
And it would probably help if the FAQ was easier to find to increase it's usage.

But let's get the beginners guide done first, and then see what we can remove from the FAQ and go from there.


Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 11:35
by Jools
Fine. How about a presentation of the document at the convention if we can get together (con cerveza) the regulars like TP, Richard B, Martin S?you and I? And anyone else?


Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 11:36
by MatsP
Yes, if I can get (most of) it done in time, for sure.

I plan to bring both laptop and camera...


Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 07:24
by andywoolloo
k well this got me wondering:

from Jools

Should we remove the FAQ and/or replace it? I am reading in this that it's not used much.
And I always try to look around before asking and I have been to the help FAQ section, but as I really searched and looked to make sure I hadn't missed something I noticed that if you click on help and the FAQs, it says 8 recently added and 8 most popular, but tonight right now as I really stared at them I saw the little show all next to each one and clicked on that. Now I will take awhile to look thru all those and see if there are detailed instruction somewhere for things I need. I never lookd at them much since the first one or two times cause what I was looking wasn't there and I didn't notice the expand part. :oops:

I apologize for never seeing that before, I didn't mean to upset anyone so that they wold want to remove them all together.

Also just recently like this last month or two, and only because someone put it as a problem in site bugs etc and I happenned to read it, I discovered that you could click on view unanswered posts , view new posts, view active posts etc. And I have been posting here since 07.

So I will try to be more observant in future. :oops: Honestly I mostly use the search function to see if I can answer or find a question I have already answered. Cause I guess I do not know my way around this board yet.

Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 21:24
by Jools
* bump again *
