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mass movement in the same direction

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 19:50
by lfinley58
Hi all,

See you shortly at the Convention. Looking forward to it.


Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 00:03
by Andrew
With all this talk of beer, I'm getting thirsty!

I'm gonna let a secret fly here just in case we have a few people still on the fence.


Deep breath...

free beer

Free Beer


Lots of it. We got some nice sponsorships on our hospitality room from Outback Steakhouse (bloomin' onions on Friday), Aquabid and the Capital Cichlid Association. Plus, a bunch of members of PVAS just sharing with our new friends. I'm bringing two cases myself... Watch the top rail of the bar on Saturday night as well. I've been known to bring by some my favorite single malts...

The first conventioneer got in last night. Bunch more tonight are coming and we can't wait to see the rest of you.

Cheers all!

P.S. 172 people registered to date.

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 01:01
by Andrew

There are still rooms available in the hotel (ask for the catfish block) and we are still processing Paypal registrations. E-mail before registering to confirm but you can still do it.

Weekend trip anyone?

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 01:09
by corybreed
Just finished packing. It has been a long day and I am tired. I guess I will take one more look at my program and put it to bed as well. I am picking up Rusty and Dinyar in the morning. See everybody tomorrow.


Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 07:23
by Barbie
I've officially arrived in Philadelphia. Julie and I should get in to the hotel tomorrow evening. I'll definitely be hunting people down once we get the tanks set up and the fishies settled in. I can't wait!

And Andrew, that sounds like the best news we've had so far! :lol:


Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 11:31
by Dave Rinaldo
Ready or not, here I go!

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 00:17
by Silurus
I'm half a world and literally half a day away (while the convention is going on, I'll be catching my z's). No matter. I will wear the 2004 convention T-shirt in honor of the occasion.

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 04:13
by amergim
I just arrived to Laurel this evening. It wasn't too bad, 7:30 hours driving from Cinci, 1 tank of gas :)

We are going for a visit to the Whitehouse in the morning, so I'll see you all in the afternoon. Can't wait for the forum tomorrow night :)

From Maryland

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 16:45
by Coryman
Hi All,

Just to say Hi from the All Aquarium Carfish Convention.

I also have the web cam with me and may be able to set it up later.


Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 18:37
by Shane
We are waiting for the detials.
Free beer, free beer, God almighty free beer at last.
(with apologies to Dr. MLK)

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 09:06
by Barbie
OK, it's just after three am at the moment. We've just finished clearing out the hotel room after half the hospitality party moved down to the room with fish in it, hehe. The people are fantastic and all that free beer wasn't half bad either! I missed a few of the talks with a bit of traffic induced tardiness, but Dinyar and Rusty were definitely well received! I can't wait for tomorrow!

What a world where there's this many people all in one place that love catfish too! Noone even questioned that we had a flashlight for viewing in comfort!

If Ian didn't have a dang Mac I might have figured out how to help with that webcam but the search will be on tomorrow for someone more mac literate! :lol:


Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 19:52
by bronzefry
Barbie wrote:If Ian didn't have a dang Mac I might have figured out how to help with that webcam but the search will be on tomorrow for someone more mac literate! :lol:

Are you sure it wasn't all the free beer? :wink:

Just a couple pictures from the convention

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 04:50
by amergim
A few pictures to start. I'll get more online after I get home.




Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 10:54
by sidguppy
Can you put names with the pictures?

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 14:42
by Barbie
The first picture is (from left to right), Jon Armbruster, Jim (pleco_farmer), me, then Andrew. The second is the infamous Dave Rinaldo. The third is Lee Finley.

Honestly, I've never been to a fish function I've enjoyed more. We've had a room full of people until at least 3 am every night. The people are all just incredible! I'd love to say how the fish were everywhere in the other rooms but someone else is going to have to, I think. I still have yet to make it out to see any! Thank goodness today is the auction ;).

And I'm sorry Amanda, did you say Free Beer? What was the question again? :p


Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 14:58
by bronzefry
So sorry I couldn't make it, Barbie. I'll have to get Bruins(and Baby Bruins-even more fun!) tickets and lure you folks out here. :wink:

Did you win all of those, Dave? :shock:

Coryologist Mugged at Convention

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 20:03
by Coryologist
Greetings All,

Got home from the convention, last night - and was so bummed that I had to leave a day early. I met many truly warm, wonderful and fascinating people. Not an egomaniac encountered the whole time, which I found odd. :razz:

There was one problem, though. I went into one of the vendor rooms to look for a nice, but reasonably-priced Cory to bring home from the trip. I entered one room and the next thing I know I am attacked by two women. One sat on my chest while the other force-fed me something called Cyclopeze. This continued until I became delerious and confused. I woke up an hour later in the hallway of the hotel with a few bags of fish, which I DID NOT recognize as any Cory I have ever seen. They were these funny looking black and white striped fish that I had never encountered before. I guess I'll take them home and feed them to my Oscars. Don't know what else I could do with them. Another weird thing was, as I was walking through the halls, searching for my room, as I passed folks, whenever they would see my bags of fish they would inevitably give me dirty looks and mumble profanities in my direction. I really don't know what THAT was all about. - Frank

P.S. They say the camera adds 10 lbs. I DO NOT recall having 6 cameras aimed at me, all at the same time.

Barbie and Frank


Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 03:08
by corybreed
What a great convention. I got home at 7:30pm, a 7 hour ride. It took 4 hours to get there and an extra 3 coming home. We hit every possible traffic jam. Busy getting all my fish purchases into their new homes. All of the talks were informative and entertaining. We talked and drank late into the evening. Hotel security visited our hospitality suite every night and told us to keep it down. I was happy to see my old friends and made some new friends as well. I hope to see eveyone who could not make this convention at the next one. Well I better check on my Rhinodoras.


Catfish convention

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 04:27
by christopher
Did someone say free beer?

I have to say, this being my first fish convention, I had no idea what to expect. One thing I can say for certain though, I never thought I would be in Barbie's room until 3:00am. And free beer to boot! Couldn't ask for anything more.

Had a great time, just wish I could have stayed longer.

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 07:41
by Julie
Barbie's room?? :P I suppose those were all Barbie's fish, too... ;)

Feeling very much like chopped liver... :razz:

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 07:59
by amergim
Just got home 15 minutes ago (about 8 hours trip) and I'm floating all the bags I brought from the convention, so I don't think I'll be going to bed any time soon.

It was really fun and there were great speakers. I really enjoyed it a lot and it was good to meet a whole bunch of people from many different places sharing the same interest. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long until the next convention :)

Chopped Liver

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 14:21
by Coryologist
Lampy wrote:Barbie's room?? :P I suppose those were all Barbie's fish, too... ;)

Feeling very much like chopped liver... :razz:
You mean that was your room? Next you're gonna tell us those weren't Barbie's fish, either. For shame!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: - Frank :D

P.S. Thanks for the most "legal" fun, I've had in the past 10 years. I was in HEAVEN and both you and Barbie ARE a coupla' angels!!!

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 01:49
by Barbie
Awwww, :oops: , you're too kind Frank!

I did tell everyone they were Julies fish while I sold them all day, honest! :lol: Then again, I think we brought just as many home as we took in the first place after that auction! It was great getting to actually bid on fish, rather than having to just buy nets and food for a change! Julie has kindly offered to ship them to me in a week or so. When ever I recover from all the fun that is ;). I will definitely be making sure I can go to the next one if it's in any way possible!

Thank you again to everyone that made the convention possible. I enjoyed meeting so many online friends in one place, let alone making so many new ones. Nothing compares to staying up til all hours of the night talking about fish you're nuts about, with people that are just as mad about them! It was terrific fun! Shane and Jools were really missed, but at least this way, there was enough beer to go around! :shock:


Catfish Convention

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 03:56
by christopher
Lampy wrote:Barbie's room?? :P I suppose those were all Barbie's fish, too... ;)

Feeling very much like chopped liver... :razz:
Well, I did pay HER for the fish :-)

BTW, who won the collection trip? Me?

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 04:18
by PlecoCrazy
I have to thank PVAS for putting on the catfish convention again. I enjoyed all of the speakers. Even the taxonomy one didn't put me asleep like they usually do. Great show all the way around. Looking forward to another one! Hopefully?!?

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 05:14
by Dave Rinaldo
Had a great time!!

Home safe and sound......wait, I don't think I can claim to be sound 8)

I need to take a nap (two days!!)

I'll post in the morning.

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 05:37
by Barbie
Dave your babies are all settled into tanks for the night. Hopefully I'll be able to find them all when it comes time to bag them up for their trip tomorrow! ;) KIDDING! I still think the woman at FedEx must have been smokin some serious drugs to tell you it would cost $342 dollars to ship a fish box overnight from the convention to your house, but who knows, maybe it was a ploy to make your show fish more travelled ;). Either way, we'll make sure the big winners find their way home! 8)


Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 15:04
by Andrew
Thanks to everyone who came to the convention and had a great time! Wow. What a weekend!

Keep the pictures coming.

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 16:22
by madattiver
so what did everyone come home with from the convention?? i see Franks had some cool undescribed corys and some more weitzmani.. anything else Frank???

and what about you Barbie?? what did you bring home with you??

ohh and btw.. if anyone has more pics from the convention i would love to see what all went on there and all the fabulous catfish that were there.. wish i could have made this one.. *sigh*.. maybe next time

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 16:32
by Kenneth Wong
I had one of the most enjoyable time at the convention. Met a lot of great people here and on the other side of the pond. It was great fun.

Everyone arrived home safely, even the one stuffed in the luggage. :wink:

Can't wait for the next one. $342 what the heck!!!!
