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Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 20:21
by djw66
marktman wrote:I'll say it again. Dwarf puffers. They don't get any larger than and inch and a half. Most only an inch. If you can't find any, send me a PM. :)
I stated the above long ago in this thread, with the caveat that after the snails, dwarfs WILL pick at the other fish in the tank. People who keep dwarf puffers do so in a species tank normally, as they not only would decimate the snails, but start on the original poster's angels, neons and potential botia.

Don't get me wrong; I adore dwarf puffers (personable little chaps), but they aren't in the scope of my hobby currently. Please refrain from suggesting a course of action for the poster without warning him of the downsides of dwarf puffers, or puffers in general.


Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 20:51
by marktman
I have dwarf puffers in with pymy cories and cardinals, and some 2 month old koi swordtails (different tanks). They do not pick on anything. You are stating that botias are great idea. In my opinion they are way too agressive for his angels also and will do much more damage than a dwarf puffer if it was so inclined. Most of the botias also get quite large, and if they happen to get territorial then even large angels are in danger. You are welcome to your opinion. But don't attack mine with nonsense. An attack is really not necessary. :roll: