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Posted: 30 May 2005, 04:27
by Psy
Cory: Bronze. Plain, brown, not breeding, but whatever :)

Pleco: Rubbernoses (although I need a Goldie at some point!)

Other: Golfballs. I mean striped raphaels. Gluttons who keep my convict population in check, although they may be getting too good.

Big fish. SA Red Tail. No where to put one, but I will find a way evenually!

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:36
by ruby2509
Tiffany Whiptails are really cool fish to keep! The widest part of their body is the head. Here is a picture:


Posted: 16 May 2006, 22:38
by Jools
ruby2509 wrote:Tiffany Whiptails are really cool fish to keep! The widest part of their body is the head. Here is a picture:
Well, that's a nice whiptail for sure, but it looks like most other whiptails!?! Just I've not seen them called Tiffany before, now that I think about it, maybe it's something to do with teffeana.

I listed my catfish top 10 here ( ) but it does change a fair bit!


Posted: 31 May 2006, 23:18
by grokefish
False Jaguar catfish or Trachycorystes Trachycorystes Here is a picture of mine.
He is
THE GROKEFISH. ... 20argh.jpg

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 02:54
by Sandtiger
Any member of the ictaluridae family (North American Bullhead Catfish).