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Re: what am I?

Posted: 18 May 2010, 23:12
by torbanite
Marc van Arc wrote: :thumbsup: That's totally correct!
Wahoo! :D
New fish in a bit..

Re: what am I?

Posted: 19 May 2010, 09:25
by Suckermouth
Man, that was a flawless victory! Wow!

Re: what am I?

Posted: 19 May 2010, 12:22
by torbanite
i) Cross gaulish god is peaceful?
ii) My nearest city shares its name with a mythical river of the western US.

Who am I?

Re: what am I?

Posted: 19 May 2010, 12:32
by grokefish
Wow that was quick!

Re: what am I?

Posted: 23 May 2010, 20:24
by torbanite
iii) A common name for my family suggests bumbling pollination.
iv) In the year I was described, a reigning monarch reached the North Pole, the World Cup was held in Germany and a famous Australian was killed by a fish.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 24 May 2010, 01:08
by Suckermouth
Through some detective work, I have to guess it's , but I did not get where the gaulish god comes in.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 24 May 2010, 08:09
by torbanite
Suckermouth wrote:Through some detective work, I have to guess it's , but I did not get where the gaulish god comes in.
Spot on :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

i) Cross gaulish god is peaceful?
cruci cross
Glanis a gaulish god
pacific peaceful

ii) My nearest city shares its name with a mythical river of the western US.
The Buenaventura River.

iii) A common name for my family suggests bumbling pollination.
Bumblebee - Pseudopimelodidae

iv) In the year I was described, a reigning monarch reached the North Pole, the World Cup was held in Germany and a famous Australian was killed by a fish.

Your turn Milton :D

Re: what am I?

Posted: 24 May 2010, 16:55
by Suckermouth
I am easily confused with a previous riddle answer.

The same author who described the previous riddle answer described me as well. He had specimens of me when he described the previous riddle, but didn't know it.


Hopefully that doesn't give it away, haha.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 21:51
by torbanite
Suckermouth wrote: Hopefully that doesn't give it away, haha.
I think your hopes have been fulfilled ;)

Re: what am I?

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 22:28
by Suckermouth
Haha, let's see if this clue makes it clearer.

One of the two species was named for its eyes, the other was named for its teeth.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 02 Jul 2010, 05:05
by Suckermouth
Well I'm not going to be the blame for killing this game, so I'm gonna give a clue that should narrow it down a lot.


Both fish are dark with light spots.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 07:03
by L number Banana
Confused even more, thought it was a pimelodus or -della. :? Pimelodus cf. blochii

But not dark with light spots, I'll keep looking...

Re: what am I?

Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 07:14
by Suckermouth
Since the fish is described that should eliminate things like cf. and such.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 07:26
by L number Banana
Since the fish is described that should eliminate things like cf. and such.
It was the only one I could find with searching for teeth (odont etc + Ortega-Lara), the PC search won't give me the full Ortega-Lara, tried them separately but no teeth reached out and bit me. Pimelodus cf. blochii is a pretty nice fish though, ... lodus.html

So I've started with Lehmann and teeth :beardy:
Then I got stuck here.. ... eople.html
My hunting skills suck tonight, time for bed.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 15:55
by grokefish

Re: what am I?

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 01:00
by Suckermouth
Oh jeez, I'm sorry for killing this. If we would like to continue with the last fish I had chosen, let me sum it up again:

"I am easily confused with a previous riddle answer.

The same author who described the previous riddle answer described me as well. He had specimens of me when he described the previous riddle, but didn't know it.

One of the two species was named for its eyes, the other was named for its teeth.

Both fish are dark with light spots."

New clues:

The previous riddle answer was the one named for the eyes (but its name doesn't include the word eye in any language). That means this riddle answer was named for its teeth.

Re: what am I?

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 09:44
by Jools
grokefish wrote:BUMPIAU!!!!
The winter nights are really drawing in huh? :YMAPPLAUSE:


Re: what am I?

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 11:04
by RickE
grokefish wrote:BUMPIAU!!!!
Welsh for bump? :d

I'm thinking something like . Am I close?

Re: what am I?

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 22:14
by torbanite
Is the describer Armbruster?

Re: what am I?

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 23:11
by Jools

Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 11:03
by Suckermouth
Jools wrote:?

That's it all right. Now we can get on with this game, haha. :-BD

Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 17:20
by Jools
I can't quickly find the list of species that have been done but here is one.

I'm a northerner I am. Armour plated and don't like gravel!


Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 17:37
by Birger Amundsen

Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 18:04
by Jools
Last time I looked Birger, you didn't have fins. Gills maybe, but no fins. ;-)


Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 20:01
by Birger Amundsen
I got fins Jools:-)

Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 20:51
by grokefish
Some sort o cory I think

Re: what am I?

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 22:47
by Birger Amundsen
Might be :d

Re: what am I?

Posted: 27 Nov 2010, 04:56
by L number Banana
I couldn't find the list either and had to remember how to use my uploader...

Updated from March :YMPARTY:
Previously Listed Catfish

Re: what am I?

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 19:24
by grokefish

Re: what am I?

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 21:06
by Jools
grokefish wrote:Is it ?
Nope, it's a Cory as suggested.
