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Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 28 Sep 2012, 20:13
by The.Dark.One
I too think they are S. acsi. I bought 4 and they are coming along nicely :d

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 08:08
by Martin S
The.Dark.One wrote:I too think they are S. acsi. I bought 4 and they are coming along nicely :d
Thought you might have! ;). Cheers Steve.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 09:11
by Marc van Arc
@ Martin: no offense taken. I just wanted to reply, that's all.
@ Steve: were you able to pick males & females?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 11:33
by The.Dark.One
They were only about 4cm TL so wasn't an exact science but based on how broad and deep they were I'm hoping I've got 1 male and 3 females. As they grow, we will see! :YMPRAY:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 17:35
by Martin S
What size are they now Steve?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 18:17
by The.Dark.One
About 6cm TL. Just noticed that one of my 'females' might be 'turning into' a male :((

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 00:14
by Bijn


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 07:37
by Phyllonemus
Yesterday I was at my favorite catfish store in The Netherland (Utaka).
I was looking in most of the tanks and to my suprise I saw a specie that wasn't at the stocklist for more than 6 months. They where labeled as Auchenipterichtys sp. To me they are Auchenipterichtys coracoideus.

I've talkt to the owner of the LFS and said to him I saw 2 of them and wat to rescue them from the store. Because they where almost 8 month in one of his tank and he had already removed them from the stocklist I got them for a special price.

I could sex them and it's 1 male and 1 female.
Here some very bad pictures :





Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 23:59
by Bijn


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 20:16
by Bijn



Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 23:26
by kruseman
Very nice, Bijn!
The scratches on the sides of the last one are quite noticable.

Here a picture of my female Tatia strigata.
I really like the pattern on the sides


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 07:39
by Phyllonemus

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 01:53
by The.Dark.One
Martin S wrote:What size are they now Steve?
The 4 S. acsi I bought are showing some quite interesting growth/sexual maturity.

I bought 4 at about 3.5cm TL. None of them had any obvious external sexual dimorphism but based on body width I hoped that I'd got 3 females and 1 male. I now have 1 male that has outgrown the other 3 fish and he is about 6.5cm TL. I have 2 that have also sexed out as males (thickened anal fin) but they are only about 5cm TL. The remaining specimen is also about 5cm TL but doesn't appear to have it's anal fin rays thickened and seems a slightly different body shape. I'm hoping this is the elusive female of the species! I'll try and get some pictures.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 18:11
by kruseman
sidguppy wrote:can anyone share his or her experiences with ?

I'm tempted to add this species to my Rio Tocantins tank.

there's a short vid in the Clog by Jools;

are they always like this or do they hide regular Driftwoodcat style once settled?

and are these like Hassar et al; afraid of other bigger fish or no?
Above an older question but not really answered yet in this thread.

I would like to know the same thing too.

Marc van Arc told me these are pretty active and even hectic, the shopowner tells they become less "ADHD" when there is a stronger current in the tank

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 08:31
by Phyllonemus
I've seen them many time at my LFS.
When they adjusted the tank to more current, they where getting less hectic indeed.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 22:24
by Bijn


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 17:01
by The.Dark.One
Marc van Arc wrote:@ Martin: no offense taken. I just wanted to reply, that's all.
@ Steve: were you able to pick males & females?
I can for the first time now show what a confirmed female Spinipterus acsi looks like! Enjoy!

Also, the largest male is still looking different to the other Spinipterus I had before (see my Scotcat images). Not just pattern but the bones on the head are different and therefore I'm wondering if the Spinipterus I had before are one of the other undescribed species!
This is the male S. acsi:

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 20:54
by Marc van Arc
Well, well, that is a scoop indeed.
First time I see a female as well and I'm still amazed by the now proven fact that all of my 12(!) specimens were males.

Nice pictures of the female and especially the second picture reminds me a lot of Asterophysus batrachus.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 20:58
by kruseman
That's one (fat) female allright. Congratulations! :)

So you think there are more than 2 species of Spinipterus?
They do have a different pattern on the back in comparison with my single male:

He's getting old.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 21:55
by The.Dark.One
Thanks guys. Out of the 4 I got this time only 1 is female.
Yes, there are 2 or 3 undescribed species. One is the Otorongo, and there is at least 1 or 2 others that are being worked on. As well as the head plates being different between these ones Ive got now and the other ones the adipose fin is different.

I think the ones Ive pictured here are acsi (confirmed from Peru and match the description more closely), and the ones Marc had and you now have (and in my pictures on Scotcat), I think they could be one of the undescribed species.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 21:03
by The.Dark.One
I've corresponded with Alberto Akama and he agrees that the ones in my Scotcat link are not acsi, but look like the one he is describing at the moment. I can't reveal the locality details but all will make sense when it comes out ;o)

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 10:50
by kruseman
The.Dark.One wrote: I can't reveal the locality details but all will make sense when it comes out ;o)
Why all the mystery?

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 16:00
by The.Dark.One
kruseman wrote:
The.Dark.One wrote: I can't reveal the locality details but all will make sense when it comes out ;o)
Why all the mystery?
Because when someone tells you they are describing something and they give you the locality details, it isn't the done thing to pass the locality details onto others, without permission. Some ichthyologists aren't bothered, some are. As I've not asked permission I haven't passed it on.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 07:16
by kruseman
Ah, I see.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 19:59
by Jools
Steve's being polite, in fact it is just plain bad to "leak" such information and can actually invalidate the description in extreme circumstances.

Steve, I will create a new species entry (S. sp(2)) for these guys if you could enlighten me on which ones are the not S. acsi?



Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 22:21
by The.Dark.One
Thanks Jools. It is hard to say 100% based on the pics in the clog. Marc's fish might have had the same origin as my first lot (which now look like are one of the undescribed sp instead of acsi) but I cannot be 100% sure. If I had to I would say all the ones in the clog are the undescribed one but I can't be sure based on those photographs.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 11:57
by The.Dark.One
I've looked at the photographs again and I think they are all of the undescribed species. I've used there alleged locality info, position of adipose fin, dorsolateral body pattern, pectoral fin spines.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 16:04
by Jools
OK, cool, I will await the description and move them accordingly.


Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 06 Dec 2012, 12:04
by Martin S
Thanks to Rare Aquatics, and Royal Mail, I'm now the proud owner of two juvenile (~55mm) :-BD
I was concerned for them with the cold weather we've had the past couple of days, but they arrived mid morning and still very warm and happy. I will share some photos later.

Re: Which Auchenipterids are being kept by PC members?

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 22:07
by Marc van Arc
Quick update:
Spinipterus sp otorongo are barely visible; I hope I still have 7 specimens left...
Ageneiosus cf atronasus: 1 (out of 7) is a male, which is good
Ageneiosus sp 3 is still (yet barely) alive; I have no idea how this poor thing does it.....