Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by Birger »

Naturalart wrote:What I would do is go on an expedition and catch one of those wild Hawaiian ancistrus MatsP mentioned. But thats just me.

I'd be into that, Scott would especially be into that, and be good at it I bet. Have you done this? Could you tell me how and what I need and need to do? I'm going to do some research to see if we have some on our island. We have a native little suckermouth we call "o`opu" (oh-oh-poo), they live in streams and climb waterfalls. Strong little mouths. Li'i reminds us of the o`opu the way she crawls around objects with her fins... like a bat kinda too.
This will give you a start, I spent some time exploring some streams on Kauai last year and it would not take long to fill an aquarium with suitable freshwater fish. ... refnum=690

Your "o`opu" (oh-oh-poo) are way cool...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:There are several hundred plecos. They range from tiny fish around 1" to 3 feet or more.


I'd recommend as a good "starter pleco". They are relatively easy to look after (and breed), and shouldn't be hard to find even in Hawaii. Just make sure that you know what fish you are actually getting. Mature male Ancistrus are easy to tell, because they have "bristles" (actually soft tentacles).
I love this fish... or, I think I could love this fish. I was actually looking at another, it's very similar but has a white or yellow strip over its dorsal with incredible eyes... or maybe it was just the photo.

And yes, fish is transported in polystyrene boxes with plastic bags inside (and "heat packs" if they are likely to be stored "cold" for any length of time) - fish come from two types of sources:
* Wild caught fish.
These clearly come from wherever the wild fish lives - South America, Africa, Asia, etc. In the case of Synodontis that is Africa, and in the case of Plecos they come from South America.
I'm really taken with Nui... I would love to have more of him, but not with him. Could I get another for the 40g? If getting a young or baby Nui would allow me to get more than one and/or introduce other fish of different type(s) to it/them, I'd like to. I suppose I need to figure out if the 10g is big enough for Li'i. Right now she's under 4" and I've never seen photos of them larger though I've seen it written that they can or do.
* Captive bred fish.
Fish that is bred in tanks or ponds. There are big tropical fish farms in Florida, and South East Asia has a large number of commercial breeders, in Europe there are breeders in the Czech republic. Hobbyists contribute a tiny amount to this, but not noticable numbers.
Doing a search after reading your's and Naturalart's last posts I found this potential source:
  • Brooks Fresh Water Fish Holding Ponds Inc
    44 Waonahele Pl, Haiku, HI 96708-5962
    Maui HI
    p: 808 572 6078

Would this perhaps be one of these "captive bred" farms you speak of?
Oh, and blue water tells me that they are medicating the tanks... Not a great sign - but newly received fish may need a bit of extra TLC.
They sure seem like it to me... I really fell in love with that little albino Chiclid. Broke my heart to leave it. I almost bought it along with one of those 20gals on sale there. "Husband". That's all I'm saying... (((smiles)))
"Breeder" just means that it's suitable for breeding. It's a wide/shallow tank, which is perfect for catfish, because bottom area is more important than "display" area, which is gained by height. Six out of my nine tanks are wider (back to front) than their height, to give me more bottom space for the catfish. I think a 40g "breeder" is an excellent choice. My latest tanks are the same height, but another foot longer and 6 inches wider (so 48" x 24" base and 16" tall).
I wrote the dimensions down some place... I think its 36"(l)x18"(b)x16"(t), much smaller than yours but feels great that I got it. I'm glad you think it was a good choice. All breeder tanks are the same height? Their girl said it's wider so you can run a divider down the center lengthwise. Is that so? I don't understand yet how that all works. I've only seen pictures of Betta mating, or was it fighting. I always get that confused with animals, can be scary I think they're killing each other! You mention the pleco you're recommending breeds... that means I could have baby plecos? How many do they have at one time? I don't know if it would be a very good idea... I don't wnt to end up with so many I can't take care of them or find them homes. Then again, I love babies... of any species.
Tall tanks are good for tall fish, Angels, Discus, that sort of thing.

Evidently Nui and Li'i had an Angel tank mate...
I reccon a 55g tank requires less than 50lbs sand/gravel, but probably more than 25 lbs - it usually comes in 8-12, 25 and 50 lbs bags, and the price difference is enough that a bigger bag will be worth getting (at least in my experience). Natural looking fine gravel or coarser sand is what I'd recommend.
Okay, I found one on Ebay selling 15 lb bags of what looks like nice natural colored stuff. I'll get as fine as possible. They don't have sand, well, they do but what I've found so far is really expensive. I SO wish I could learn how to prepare our sand here, it's truly amazing.
I would rinse the filter media in used-tank water and see how it goes.
I have two filters going in. Found one has a broken cord, have to have my hand guy fix it in the a.m. Wish people selling used stuff would tell you things like this. It's an old break, one side of the cord/copper is broken all the way through. It wouldn't run, had to know of it. And that he'd removed silicone from the sides. I should have known this myself I guess really. And should have checked everything. As it is I have to monkey around with the tubing and such to get it running right. BTW, one of connections between tubing for filter (A Tech) doesn't hold. Slips on to each other but there's no click and it isn't snug. Very loose in fact. This at the water side of the "U-bend" that goes over the top and into the two wells in the center of the filtration unit. I'm wondering if I could use silicone tape? I saw another post that recommended to someone to use this and I have some in our tool box. It's the white filmy stuff that plumbers use to seal threads together when connecting pipes. If not I guess I could use silicone and just never take it apart again to clean it there. But if the silicone-plumbers-tape is okay to use on the tank stuff that would be great??
Most of the time, sump filters are hidden in a cupboard or similar under the tank, so you don't see them. But for a 55g freshwater tank, I'd probably just go for an Eheim Classic 2217 or similar filter. It's an external canister filter.
It's on the list... My list is growing. I'm trying to find bog wood now. Can't seem to find a source I like so far. Do you or anyone have a source? I'm going to gather at the river tomorrow for some driftwood but with our pH issue, the bog wood would work well. I'm also going to gather some catappa leaves, which should help. I want to sell these (captappa leaves), I think perhaps what we have is a really nice quality of them being our island environment is so pristine and untouched. Plus things thrive. They thrive too much. I didn't use any products for the ammonia but I have introduced pure Zeolite to the tank. It works great and I'm happy because it's easier on the fish. I just couldn't keep up with the ammonia in that small space with Nui and Li'i in it. Even cutting way back on food it was and ongoing, uphill battle. Now at least I know they aren't suffering from that.
I think I've covered most things here. Please ask if there's something in particular you've missed.
Thanks a ton of googolplex's to you for taking the time to respond to these questions and concerns. I really appreciate it with a warm tropical heart.

I do have a question that came up a little while ago. I read an article that stressed the importance of the base of tank sitting upon the stand top evenly, moreover directly. Mine isn't. Not in that sense. It has a frame around the base of some very faux'ish wood and it is this that is in contact with the stand. Not the glass. The person warned that if there was any place where the glass was not touching the base, that the glass would break in no uncertain terms. Does this apply to me and this tank with the base frame?

Also I don't know if I mentioned the rock substrate that came with the tank. I went to take a photo of it and discovered they're stained different colors. Is this common? I boiled these tank stones for hours and hours. Almost all day, no exaggeration. The water is clear not colored or tinted as if by colors coming off the rocks. So you think they're safe to use? They'd fit a river bottom look well I think, tho' I haven't found photos of Nui's genetic water and river bottom" ... would they be safe do you think? Also, I really want to find out how to prepare ocean rock for freshwater usage.

'kay that's it for now... getting late, but don't have to do a change water tonight but I might js again Mats!!! so very much... and the same for everyone responding and/or reading. And researching things, like Gina's been... So much gratitude for everyone here. . aa, GF
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Yellow edge on the fins? Something like this: ? They aren't the easiest to keep...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

If the tank comes with a plastic frame that keep the tank off the surface of the stand,then that's designed to work that way, and as long as the plastic frame is supported by the stand, it's exactly as it should be.

It's when the tank is designed for "no frame", that the whole base needs to be supported.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:Yellow edge on the fins? Something like this: ? They aren't the easiest to keep...


Hi Mats,

That's her!!! S/he's so dreamy isn't s/he? Hard to to care for? Wouldn't get along with Nui? My tanks' are too small, very large?

I found another pet shop on the island at the Maui Mall called Pet Store Maui. The URL the same all one word but has little by way of detailed info. I called a minute ago, the girl said they have lots of plecos and cats. Some Synos but she doesn't know the names. Some of the plecos are: Bristlenose, Trinidad, Sail Fin and Chocolate??? I think these are the names she used. Could these work?

Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom on this everyone. I can't do right by Nui and tank mates without your kind wisdom.

We're on the way to the river in an hour to see if we can get substrate and some rock and wood I can build a complex for Nui with.

Talk again soon w/u, GF
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Mostly "difficult to care for". Have a read of the "Yellow seam pleco, a troublesome fish" (or some such) in Shane's World.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by ginagv »

Hi GF..

when you get a moment, please check out your message I left you... there is access on the top left side (new messages)...

Hope your weekend went well.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

Hooray!! for you GF, glad you were able to get one of those 40gallon tanks. Super bargain eh?

Also glad you are collecting from the streams. The beach sands will in most cases, have calcerous particles/grains (remains of inverts) which over time can just keep bumping up the hardeness of your tapwater. If you are using rainwater then its another story. If you can come across sand or 2-10mm grain gravel in the creeks/rivers, I would think that would probably be ideal. Darker substrates I think are best. That article you read referring to 2-3 inches of gravel, that is what's usually recommended for undergravel filters. But doesn't hurt to have a good deep gravel bed if you want it. Just have to keep it vac'ed. Glad your staying away from the 'colored/doctored' substrates. Some of them are fairly inert, I just don't like supporting that type of industry.

I would stick with 1 or 2 ancistrus species for your 40g. Ancistrus/bristlenose love to eat algea and 1 adult will be plenty for your tank in terms of finding algea to graze. You'll have to be more aware of supplementing the diet for more than 1 ancistrus/bristlenose. If you decide to catch one of those wild ancistrus, be aware that they may very well be carrying any number of parasites and/or bacterias, which you will have to quarantine for. Maybe more work than its worth?

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by ginagv »

I was wondering something..

Is there some reason why you want to separate Nui and Li'i in the larger tank? I know that they "typically" don't make good tank mates, but I wonder since they have been together this long, in small quarters, that they might not do well apart. They have been through alot together.

Like I said.. this is just a thought, and its based on nothing scientific...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Dearest Friends,

It was so nice to return here finding all your kind wisdom after this brief delay. All things have been delayed – including Nui's 55 gallon. Last we spoke I was on my way to the riverbed to go gathering for the tank(s). And......I , fell, down. And went ((((BOOM)))))! I got hurt pretty badly.Today at last I can lift my left arm above waist level. I also have a very dense black eye. I still need to go to the doctor as I hit my head pretty hard but can't drive myself there yet. As of that date the tank was filling and we were getting interior miscellany together. I was sitting in the parlor looking at the tank, thinking 'well... at least we got this far, planning to recover soonest would be back to it to finish off in no time. I was just trying to think and feel positive.

Then, our furry cat Xena the Princess Warrior flew high through the air, for about 5'... and into the 55g, she didn't see the water. "FreakKitty"... she so freakkked out! So did I, quiety, silently... laughter hurting my ribs nd back severely. Gadz. I had spent so much time making sure to get every single spec of silicone out of it. Now, I would have to do the same with kitty hair. I got it done today. Again... yeah And I have a neighbor coming in to help me get it completely filled tomorrow. We'll get the filters going (hopefully) and also see if I can go to the riverbed with him. Scott's in the States on business 'till next we (badly)ek.

So this has all been rather disappointing...the worst though Is the guilt I feel over not getting Nui out of there. I am the worst rescue there's ever been? I've forced myself to keep up their water changes and some visiting to let them know they're loved and cared for.

You can't know, I really shouldn't assume that how good it felt to return here to find all the positive responses and advice. So Good. I apologize for not at least posting a small note to let you know I'd been delayed. But here I am now, and the tank is now filling again, and now moving forward with filling the tank and going to try to gather substrate and cave building materials.

You have the biggest googolplex o gratitude fro Us here... true Pi.
Thank you... please don't give up on me/us...
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Sorry to hear about your little (or big?) mishap with the river exploration.

Hope all goes well with your other efforts to get the tank going...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by ginagv »

wow Goldenfeather,

I was worried about you, since it had been so long since an update. Sounds like quite a tumble you took. I hope you are feeling better.

take care,

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

Sorry to hear about your mishap. Sounds like you took one for Nui and Li'i. Hope you get well soon.
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by andywoolloo »

oh no! a fall! ((hugs)) hope you recover soon!
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi Everyone,-
Thank you for all the well wishes and positive thought. Tytytytyty

The 55... It is coming along slowly but definitely surely. It's filled with fresh water and has one of its great working (after much monkeying) filters going. This is the one who's power cord needed redone. I, knowing pretty much nothing when it comes to electronics and mechanical things, have, I think, done all right. I couldn't find a description on the Aquaclear filter's appropriate media but gained a general understanding of things and their purposes put together the well with it's giant brown sponge on top and other things beneath it. The sponge was on the bottom with a big bag of charol and xeolite on top. But other filters I've seen have the bio-fibers/grids etc behind with a sponge at the front, the last piece of media water pours through. And the Tetra Whisper I have is set up that way.

Oh, what's beneath the big fat sponge? One of the plastic grids with bio-fiber attached to it, I think there's a little carbon twixt the middle. If it were better not to have the carbon in it I'll take it out. This sits in the box diagonally because it doesn't fit. Beside in the blank space I filled it with those blue spiky balls a seller sent as a sale gift.??? And then put the sponge on top. The other well has just one sponge for two wells. I have others tho' from the Whisper I'm planning on using. And I should be getting that Aquaclear 1000 power head in any day now. ??? When I can afford it I'll upgrade to better. For now this will hopefully do. The little Aquaclear I've just set up is powerful tho'. It probably couldn't be on a much smaller tank.

Mind, I do not even know what I am supposed to be aiming for. All I know is that this cleans the water. I've ordered a couple other cheap things that might be put to use with this set up or for the 40 gallon down the road a little bit yet.

Any thoughts? I welcome them. I love the discussion above on tank mates and really look forward to doing something in that area soon. For now I need to get to the river bed for gravel. I still have no substrate. Unless I use what was in it (those coloredriver rock. They're colored to look like a healthy multi-mineral pond/stream. As well as the gravel stuff they have in the 10 g. ??? Any thoughts on this?

Right now, I don't think I can physically handle cleaning fresh gravel from the riverbed. But soon I hope. And I do want drift wood and rocks to make good caves etc. I'll do what I can in this area soonest I'm able.

I was hoping for some bog wood or peat moss to help me with the pH issue. Then I saw catappa leaves. I have those easy. So I'm set there, as soon as I get outside.

I go to the otherside tomorrow (dr.). I need to figure out my current timeline and what mynext step/s is/are so I can transfer them. I realize that it will be easier on my body if I can get them set up. But I'm not willing to compromise any of their needs even if it takes a little longer. By needs – I'm referring to critical needs.

Thanks again,Thanks Always....GF

ps: please excuse any mistakes above, or things that may not make sense... i'm not feeling great and just not taking time to edit. have a good dayall
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Please, don't "mess" with the pH. I'm pretty sure that the fish has been in plain tap-water before, and pretty horrible soup for some time from your descriptions. They will do perfectly fine in your tap-water, I'm absolutely sure.

Substrate: if you get substrate out of a river, make sure:
1. It's legal.
Here in England, you'd be in trouble doing that.

2. It is safe for you.
Knowing what happened last time ;)

3. The substrate will be suitable for your fish.
E.g. doesn't alter the pH, contains stuff you don't want...

4. You don't bring some sort of fish-illness with the substrate.
You could dry it in the sun for a few days. If it rains regularly, make sure it's under some cover (a sheet of clear plastict suspended over a couple of chairs or some such.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

The smoother and rounder the gavel the better for Nui's whiskers. If it can fit into Nui's mouth thats good too.

You can check if the substrate is calcerous by pouring a little vinager or hydrogen peroxide on a sample. If it bubbles then its calcerous. I'd steer away from much of that. But I doubt you'll run across much of that on those volcanic islands. And I want to echo what MatsP said, 'dry it all out in the sun or a oven. This should eleminate most vectors.

You can also go without substrate for the moment. Its not absolutely necessary. Just sink the catappa leaves and whatever other 'furniture' you have. You can add the gravel later if you like.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by andywoolloo »

I have mine on sand. All my tanks are sand. love it.

You can get play sand from a local DIY store, home depot , lowes etc or you can buy it at pet stores, make sure it's for freshwater tanks. rinse rinse rinse it to H E double toothpicks before you put it in.

If you choose sand that is.
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

You can probably also find a Pool Supply company in Hawaii that has "pool filter sand", which is very similar to playsand, but slightly coarser grains - they are still small grains, but a bit bigger than that of a sand playpit.

And it's perhaps a tiny bit more expensive, but nowhere near what the LFS will ask.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi Everyone!

Hope all is well with you all and your fin-loves. Things have gone so much slower than I'd hoped. But I've good news, I've begun to seed the 55G this evening! I'm So happy about this, it meaning it won't be long before I can transfer them.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:Please, don't "mess" with the pH. I'm pretty sure that the fish has been in plain tap-water before, and pretty horrible soup for some time from your descriptions. They will do perfectly fine in your tap-water, I'm absolutely sure.

Substrate: if you get substrate out of a river, make sure:
1. It's legal.
Here in England, you'd be in trouble doing that.
It's okay here...
2. It is safe for you.
Knowing what happened last time ;)
Thanks Mats, I found out I'm a little gun shy.
3. The substrate will be suitable for your fish.
E.g. doesn't alter the pH, contains stuff you don't want...
Intersting... I just learned a little about this. I had looked further into the reason our pH had gone up and it had to do with the big storm we had. Evidently when the waters rush, down our many dried up streams, our pH goes up due to various minerals and things I know nothing of.
4. You don't bring some sort of fish-illness with the substrate.
You could dry it in the sun for a few days. If it rains regularly, make sure it's under some cover (a sheet of clear plastict suspended over a couple of chairs or some such.
This is scary! I've decided to buy substrate. I found a seller on Ebay I can get what looks like good gravel from, nice natural light browns to creams. I can get 40 lb's for under $25 including shipping.

Budget wise I need to wait till the end of this week to buy it and then wait about a week or so to get it. I'm thinking about using what I have already until then so they at least have something in there. Besides being healthy for their water I'd think it would make them feel better since they're used to it. I'd be combining what they have already, I've got it stocked in the refrigerator but minus all the carbon. Unless I should use it because it's got bacteria? I have some blue gravel from a waterfall project I never used. And then the river stone that was in the tank when I got it that I've boiled clean. It sounds awful I know, will look terrible I Know... but do you think it will work for now? I'll then have to clean it out and replace it... with them in it? I don't want to have to make them wait another week if I don't have to. If yes, I'd do it very very slowly, quietly as possible and gentle without pouring. I guess I could sink ziplocks with it in it to the floor of the tank and then scoop it out with my hand.. At least that's what I can see happening in my mind at this point. What do you think of this?

And all I've got for their furnishings yet is what they have in the 10G. Well I do have some plumbing pieces that will make good hiding spots if they're okay to use. I know the pvc is fine (found the right sized pieces for Li'i) but what about the black stuff. I don't know what it's called. It's much thinner than the pvc, plastic, black and corrugated. I picked it up for Nui, it's the right size – I got a couple tubular pieces that are 3.5" each x 4" diameter. I also have a terra cotta pot the right size for each of them. I've boiled them for hours and am sure there's nothing in them that will harm them. I'm just afraid to break them, if that's what I'm supposed to do. I saw a page that had instructions for some DIY caves. The "how to" of these showed a guy breaking the pots. But I'm worried about the edges???

So this is where we are... I hope you're all still around. You've been such good friends... Nui & Li'i think you're Super Hero's! you are...

Googoplex Always,

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi All...

I'm sorry but I have a small correction I see needs making. I mislead you I realize when I spoke of falling down. I didn't fall in the riverbed. I fell at the post office. Sorry about that... I'm have some brain blips so please excuse the my unintentional misrepresentation there. I can see I'd implied it the way I'd described it. Sorry...

Not as romantic a venture, I may be lucky though as having taken as hard a fall in the riverbed might have been worse.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Googolplex Naturalart! good to find you're here still...
naturalart wrote:The smoother and rounder the gavel the better for Nui's whiskers. If it can fit into Nui's mouth thats good too.
OH!... that's good to know. The one I was considering doesn't look completely smooth. I think I'll get the image of it and upload it here for you to check out first. The size will work, but not for Li'i... her mouth is actually tiny though it looks a little large she can't fit much size into it.
You can check if the substrate is calcerous by pouring a little vinager or hydrogen peroxide on a sample. If it bubbles then its calcerous. I'd steer away from much of that. But I doubt you'll run across much of that on those volcanic islands. And I want to echo what MatsP said, 'dry it all out in the sun or a oven. This should eleminate most vectors.
I realize I can't, even with Scott's help, haul out that much gravel. I think the trek is too distant and being "gun shy" – especially in the riverbed.
You can also go without substrate for the moment. Its not absolutely necessary. Just sink the catappa leaves and whatever other 'furniture' you have. You can add the gravel later if you like.
This is great news! :YMHUG: Is there a limit as to how many catappa leaves? I can see it in my mind, it would actually look really nice and natural for them. And peaceful... which I think they'll appreciate, it (55G) being so very large of water compared to their old-prison.
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

andywoolloo wrote:I have mine on sand. All my tanks are sand. love it.

You can get play sand from a local DIY store, home depot , lowes etc or you can buy it at pet stores, make sure it's for freshwater tanks. rinse rinse rinse it to H E double toothpicks before you put it in.

If you choose sand that is.
Hi Andywoolloo! nice to hear your voice here again

I saw that in your tank... and your Euptera are so HEALTHY and happy... no? So obvious from your photos which I love.

I think someone else mentioned sand and then gravel on top of it. Or maybe I recall that incorrectly as I'd think they'd mix up together – would they? ?? I think I'd read there was a 2"+ sand base and then gravel on top. And then she'd vac the gravel only (I guess keeping it on top) and then when needed (?so many months?) the sand taken out and rinsed.

Do you syphon-vac sand? Does their waste sink into it and down to the bottom like gravel or sit on top of it? Does sand get mixed in with their food when they eat? If so do they just flush it out their gills like they do waste and food they don't like?

I think I saw a few other catfish tanks with what looked like sand to me too. I'll call the DIY stores to see if they have it there? Petco has coral sand from the Carrib only? I was thinking it was salt found sand and is very expensive.

BTW, how do you rinse sand?

Thanks Andywoolloo, GF
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Sand is nice, but don't lay it thick. 1" maximum.

It can be rinsed in a bucket - basically just fill the bucket with a hose (or shower if you do the work indoors), stir sand, pour off the water. Repeat until the water is clear immediately after the stirred sand settles. This will take at least 10-15 "fill, stir, pour" cycles - and it doesn't matter if it is sand meant for aquarium use, play-sand or some form of building sand. Make sure, before you buy the sand, that it is "soft" or "rounded" grains - some types of sand contains, essentially, crushed rock, which makes it hard.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

I should add that layering sand and gravel will lead to them definitely mixing with fish like Synodontis, as they tend to dig and move the substrate.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

coral sand generally comes from coral skeletons in the ocean; thus is calcerous. It will harden your water. I wouldn't even consider it in this case.

If you're going to go shopping for sand maybe you can take a small magnifying glass with you so you can see the makeup of the grains in the sand. There are many types.

Here in the states play sand is generally cleaner than builders sand. But be careful not to buy something that says its been chemically treated.

Maybe a 2 leaf layer of cattappa leaves would be plenty.

Li'i is more concerned with smooth hard surfaces as a subtrate; so 'she' can rasp her algea.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:Sand is nice, but don't lay it thick. 1" maximum.

It can be rinsed in a bucket - basically just fill the bucket with a hose (or shower if you do the work indoors), stir sand, pour off the water. Repeat until the water is clear immediately after the stirred sand settles. This will take at least 10-15 "fill, stir, pour" cycles - and it doesn't matter if it is sand meant for aquarium use, play-sand or some form of building sand. Make sure, before you buy the sand, that it is "soft" or "rounded" grains - some types of sand contains, essentially, crushed rock, which makes it hard.

naturalart wrote:coral sand generally comes from coral skeletons in the ocean; thus is calcerous. It will harden your water. I wouldn't even consider it in this case.

If you're going to go shopping for sand maybe you can take a small magnifying glass with you so you can see the makeup of the grains in the sand. There are many types.

Here in the states play sand is generally cleaner than builders sand. But be careful not to buy something that says its been chemically treated.

Maybe a 2 leaf layer of cattappa leaves would be plenty.

Li'i is more concerned with smooth hard surfaces as a subtrate; so 'she' can rasp her algea.

Mats & Naturalart....

You're all such a good team & wealth of information, GooooogoooolPLEX!

I'm wondering how much sand it will take? The tank's base measures with a height of . Since this opportunity won't come around again for awhile, I'd like to make sure we get what would serve them best. Since Li'i has all the flat surfaces and objects to rasp on perhaps Nui is the focus here. Would he like a home of sand or gravel/tiny pebbles?

When we spoke of getting gravel on page 10, You recommended more than 25 lbs and that 50 lbs and somewhat under would work for this tank. I'll look at details in the "how to" area when I decide which to get. I'm still interested in gravel if it fits the descriptions being given. All such good wisdom from years of experience is invaluable to us.

Naturalart... you mentioned that Li'i rasps her algae and this infers that Nui _________ ...(?). I'm still at the beginning stage learning about these wonderful creatures. I've read several places that this um... having aquariums and fish, is called a hobby. I've never known a hobby to overwhelm my life as much as this – that said without complaint. I love every painful (for the time being) moment of it. I'm still stunned when I contemplate the idea of finding myself in such enriching relationships between human and fish. When I brought this up to Scott one evening he reminded me of the theory that we came from fish. I've always known about the high level of intelligence of dolphins and whales but never gave a thought to fish[/i. They have such a strong awareness and personality. Nui's strong constitution is exhibited daily.

GP's Forever, GF

BTW - Mats, you know I love that wood piece in your Tank No. I. Today I was looking at your's and others' here in the thread's images to refresh myself with what you all have and day dream a little. Mats, what a collection, I'm impressed each time. With all of yours... that I can see. Gina your tank is beautiful – Beautiful. But Mats, looking again I really like Tank No. 3 best, It is Nice. What type of plant it is that looks like a long rippling leaf or blade of grass? Is it the one they call "Corkscrew" grown large? I also see you have Terra Cotta - the broken edges aren't real sharp and don't bother the fish then?

PS: Any thoughts on my 55 water? Thank you...
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hello Again,

I have a question regarding Catappa leaves. Here these trees often grown by the shore line. Do you know if they would contain salt? Within their makeup? I think I can rinse the salt off the leaves, especially if I gather them still on the tree before they've dried. I'd worry about ones that have dropped and dried on the ground. It seems that the salt on the surface might at that point possibly be absorbed into the soft tissue if at any point. Besides possbily through the root system? Which is what I'm wondering most?

Does anyone have any knowledge of this or thoughts on it?

Also, regarding tannis and drift wood or bog wood. Other trees have tannis and sometimes various drift woods contain it. Is there anyone here that knows about this stuff?

And I saw that the Euptera really like bog wood... will drift wood work too or is it a strict preference for them?

Googols and Googols of Thanks, GF
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

My tank 3 has a combination of aquarium shop "Mopani" wood and privately acquired apple and willow - but most types of wood can be used, as I expect neither apple nor willow is particularly common on Hawaii soil.

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