MatsP wrote:There are several hundred plecos. They range from tiny fish around 1" to 3 feet or more.
I'd recommend
as a good "starter pleco". They are relatively easy to look after (and breed), and shouldn't be hard to find even in Hawaii. Just make sure that you know what fish you are actually getting. Mature male Ancistrus are easy to tell, because they have "bristles" (actually soft tentacles).
I love this fish... or, I think I could love this fish. I was actually looking at another, it's very similar but has a white or yellow strip over its dorsal with incredible eyes... or maybe it was just the photo.
And yes, fish is transported in polystyrene boxes with plastic bags inside (and "heat packs" if they are likely to be stored "cold" for any length of time) - fish come from two types of sources:
* Wild caught fish.
These clearly come from wherever the wild fish lives - South America, Africa, Asia, etc. In the case of Synodontis that is Africa, and in the case of Plecos they come from South America.
I'm really taken with Nui... I would love to have more of him, but not with him. Could I get another for the 40g? If getting a young or baby Nui would allow me to get more than one and/or introduce other fish of different type(s) to it/them, I'd like to. I suppose I need to figure out if the 10g is big enough for Li'i. Right now she's under 4" and I've never seen photos of them larger though I've seen it written that they can or do.
* Captive bred fish.
Fish that is bred in tanks or ponds. There are big tropical fish farms in Florida, and South East Asia has a large number of commercial breeders, in Europe there are breeders in the Czech republic. Hobbyists contribute a tiny amount to this, but not noticable numbers.
Doing a search after reading your's and Naturalart's last posts I found this potential source:
- Brooks Fresh Water Fish Holding Ponds Inc
44 Waonahele Pl, Haiku, HI 96708-5962
Maui HI
p: 808 572 6078
Would this perhaps be one of these "captive bred" farms you speak of?
Oh, and blue water tells me that they are medicating the tanks... Not a great sign - but newly received fish may need a bit of extra TLC.
They sure seem like it to me... I really fell in love with that little albino Chiclid. Broke my heart to leave it. I almost bought it along with one of those 20gals on sale there.
"Husband". That's all I'm saying... (((smiles)))
"Breeder" just means that it's suitable for breeding. It's a wide/shallow tank, which is perfect for catfish, because bottom area is more important than "display" area, which is gained by height. Six out of my nine tanks are wider (back to front) than their height, to give me more bottom space for the catfish. I think a 40g "breeder" is an excellent choice. My latest tanks are the same height, but another foot longer and 6 inches wider (so 48" x 24" base and 16" tall).
I wrote the dimensions down some place... I think its 36"(l)x18"(b)x16"(t), much smaller than yours but feels great that I got it. I'm glad you think it was a good choice. All breeder tanks are the same height? Their girl said it's wider so you can run a divider down the center lengthwise. Is that so? I don't understand yet how that all works. I've only seen pictures of Betta mating, or was it fighting. I always get that confused with animals, can be scary I think they're killing each other! You mention the pleco you're recommending breeds... that means I could have baby plecos? How many do they have at one time? I don't know if it would be a very good idea... I don't wnt to end up with so many I can't take care of them or find them homes. Then again, I love babies... of any species.
Tall tanks are good for tall fish, Angels, Discus, that sort of thing.
Evidently Nui and Li'i had an Angel tank mate...
I reccon a 55g tank requires less than 50lbs sand/gravel, but probably more than 25 lbs - it usually comes in 8-12, 25 and 50 lbs bags, and the price difference is enough that a bigger bag will be worth getting (at least in my experience). Natural looking fine gravel or coarser sand is what I'd recommend.
Okay, I found one on Ebay selling 15 lb bags of what looks like nice natural colored stuff. I'll get as fine as possible. They don't have sand, well, they do but what I've found so far is really expensive. I SO wish I could learn how to prepare our sand here, it's truly amazing.
I would rinse the filter media in used-tank water and see how it goes.
I have two filters going in. Found one has a broken cord, have to have my hand guy fix it in the a.m. Wish people selling used stuff would tell you things like this. It's an old break, one side of the cord/copper is broken all the way through. It wouldn't run, had to know of it. And that he'd removed silicone from the sides. I should have known this myself I guess really. And should have checked everything. As it is I have to monkey around with the tubing and such to get it running right. BTW, one of connections between tubing for filter (A Tech) doesn't hold. Slips on to each other but there's no click and it isn't snug. Very loose in fact. This at the water side of the "U-bend" that goes over the top and into the two wells in the center of the filtration unit. I'm wondering if I could use silicone tape? I saw another post that recommended to someone to use this and I have some in our tool box. It's the white filmy stuff that plumbers use to seal threads together when connecting pipes. If not I guess I could use silicone and just never take it apart again to clean it there. But if the silicone-plumbers-tape is okay to use on the tank stuff that would be great??
Most of the time, sump filters are hidden in a cupboard or similar under the tank, so you don't see them. But for a 55g freshwater tank, I'd probably just go for an Eheim Classic 2217 or similar filter. It's an external canister filter.
It's on the list... My list is growing. I'm trying to find bog wood now. Can't seem to find a source I like so far. Do you or anyone have a source? I'm going to gather at the river tomorrow for some driftwood but with our pH issue, the bog wood would work well. I'm also going to gather some catappa leaves, which should help. I want to sell these (captappa leaves), I think perhaps what we have is a really nice quality of them being our island environment is so pristine and untouched. Plus things thrive. They thrive too much. I didn't use any products for the ammonia but I have introduced pure Zeolite to the tank. It works great and I'm happy because it's easier on the fish. I just couldn't keep up with the ammonia in that small space with Nui and Li'i in it. Even cutting way back on food it was and ongoing, uphill battle. Now at least I know they aren't suffering from that.
I think I've covered most things here. Please ask if there's something in particular you've missed.
Thanks a ton of googolplex's to you for taking the time to respond to these questions and concerns. I really appreciate it with a warm tropical heart.
I do have a question that came up a little while ago. I read an article that stressed the importance of the base of tank sitting upon the stand top evenly, moreover directly. Mine isn't. Not in that sense. It has a frame around the base of some very faux'ish wood and it is this that is in contact with the stand. Not the glass. The person warned that if there was any place where the glass was not touching the base, that the glass would break in no uncertain terms. Does this apply to me and this tank with the base frame?
Also I don't know if I mentioned the rock substrate that came with the tank. I went to take a photo of it and discovered they're stained different colors. Is this common? I boiled these tank stones for hours and hours. Almost all day, no exaggeration. The water is clear not colored or tinted as if by colors coming off the rocks. So you think they're safe to use? They'd fit a river bottom look well I think, tho' I haven't found photos of Nui's genetic water and river bottom" ... would they be safe do you think? Also, I really want to find out how to prepare ocean rock for freshwater usage.
'kay that's it for now... getting late, but don't have to do a change water tonight but I might js again Mats!!! so very much... and the same for everyone responding and/or reading. And researching things, like Gina's been... So much gratitude for everyone here. . aa, GF