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Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 18:55
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 05:39
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 05:41
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 04 Apr 2009, 12:49
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 04 Apr 2009, 12:53
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 23:26
by nvcichlids
glenny wrote:
Wow, do I LOVE that goby. I don't know if you are familiar with the species, but is the skunk goby (Redigobius balteatus) would fair well in a SA/NA community tank? (L201, L129,L314, cory trilineatus and pygmyous, along with some Pterophyllum scalare and Enneacanthus gloriosus as inhabitants)
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 10:56
by Everhart
When I was in the Philippines I found Stiphodon atropurpureus in several streams but could not take them out of the country. Where did you get yours and what do you feed them? They look very healthy.
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 01:39
by nvcichlids
Wow have I been inspired Glenn, I am actively trying to find some nice gobies now (may be getting two different sp. of stiphodon and some knight gobies (not sure of their scientific names). Hope this goes well! Could you post some more pics of the gobies ( i know this is a catfish site, but I want to see them.) I think your lined ones are a type that I am in the process of purchasing.
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 17 Apr 2009, 16:42
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 18 Apr 2009, 01:16
by nvcichlids
Is that goby related to the stiphodon ornatus? They look really similar. ( I am getting the ornatus and the "red neon" sp)
Also, are your gobies ones that hide or do they tend to stay out in the open more? (Fiance wants to make sure they are active in the open fish.)
Thanks for posting the pics

Look forward to seeing more!

Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 09:45
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 09:48
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 22 Apr 2009, 13:52
by nvcichlids
awesome pictures and tanks. I love the oto/paraoto species in your pictures (the all brown/green fish). My gobies have been ordered and set to ship on 5/11 so I should have pics by later that week. Ordered 6 of each species (better get atleast a pair out of each lol.)
Your pics are phenominal! I wish I could shoot have as good.
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 15:15
by glenny
nvcichlids thanks!

succes with the ordered gobies! make pictures when they've arrived!
Corydoras arcuatus:
Corydoras habrosus:
Rhinogobius duospilus male:
Hisonotus leucofrenatus male:

Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 16:16
by nvcichlids
Hisonotus leucofrenatus male:
That thing is awesome!
BTW, do you think that the gobies could live with Steatocranus tinanti?
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 03 May 2009, 06:25
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 03 May 2009, 06:26
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 03 May 2009, 10:34
by DutchFry
again, very nice pics glenn!
i love the school of pygmaeus!

Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 03 May 2009, 10:53
by andywoolloo
I agree, awesome schooling photo!!
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 05 May 2009, 12:39
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 05 May 2009, 14:15
by Richard B
Excellent cory pygmaeus - that's how they should look!

Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 06 May 2009, 14:06
by nvcichlids
Very nice, what are you going to keep in that tank? (BTW, what is the background made of?)
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 06 May 2009, 19:03
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 07 May 2009, 05:09
by L number Banana
Soo cute! They'll make good subjects to photograph. Have they picked a territory yet? One in each corner like prize fighters

Very smart fish too. They'll watch your every move.
Look forward to seeing more of the puffers and the cory school too- beautiful!
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 07 May 2009, 05:33
by andywoolloo
Cool tank and nice new fish! I have always wantd them in their own species only tank but was afraid of them when I read about the possible dental work and anesthesia involved to keep them!
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 07 May 2009, 12:24
by Richard B
What sort of puffer are they? I presume they are not "nippy"
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 07 May 2009, 15:05
by nvcichlids
those look to be the dwarf/pygmy puffers.
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 11 May 2009, 17:37
by glenny
Thanks everybody!
L number banana, i´ve a male and a female dwarfpuffer and they didn´t pick any teritorial area yet...and i hope they won´t...
Andy, these dwarfpuffers doesn´t need any dental work, there teeth are too small.
Richard, the scientific name is Carinotetraodon travancoricus, and they are not nippy...

a little bit slow

Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 11 May 2009, 17:41
by glenny
Re: My Catfish and tanks
Posted: 13 May 2009, 21:30
by nvcichlids
Nice little puffers. I just wanted to let you know my Stiphodons came today, all are in great health. I will work on pictures later tonight (when the room is dark and pictures turn out better for me
