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Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 22:05
by sidguppy

after watching the last few games of germany I was 100% sure they would play in the finals.
dead sure....

now sunday will give us a NEW cxhampion, regardless of who wins :shock:
what I didn't know was that Spain -like Netherlands- NEVER won the world championship, so whoever wins is writing history!

I'll be at a festival, but luckily the organisation puts up a big screen on the festival campsite...near the 24 hours bar :beardy:
as a result i expect Billy Idol to play for only the day visitors, as only the ones with a camping ausweis will be able to go there :mrgreen:

damn, I even have to skip the last 15 minutes of Dweezil Zappa to see the game, but NOTHING will keep me from drowning myself in cold beer while going berserk in the 24hours-bar watching football history on a big screen :lol:

ever since the Netherlands started playing I tie-ripped my old fluffy lion on the headlight of my old chopper and that scruffy lion will stay there like glue until after sunday; it's bringing luck so far :an:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 01:27
by Viktor Jarikov
Bas Pels wrote:Odd

learning about my language on this forum :shock:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
sidguppy wrote:ever since the Netherlands started playing I tie-ripped my old fluffy lion on the headlight of my old chopper and that scruffy lion will stay there like glue until after sunday; it's bringing luck so far :an:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 07:50
by Jools
Pig sticker I think. I too think a German Dutch final might actually have been more entertaining. Spain are very pretty but look a little toothless without a fit Torres up front.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 11:12
by sidguppy
I can bear toothlessness in the Spanish team with ease and the image of that tiny bugger Wesley Snijder lugging around a trophy that's bigger than him would please my eyes as well :lol:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 08 Jul 2010, 14:36
by bronzefry
I'm definitely pulling for the Netherlands. I like watching the Netherlands: a nice balance. I agree with all: Spain looked lackluster. It happens in the NFL a lot. It's usually teams with very strong defense and a mediocre offense. It's ugly and annoying in any sport. I find it hard to watch, even if it's my own team. Some coaches truly believe defense wins championships. We shall see.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 11:26
by DJ-don
I personally would have thought germany and netherlands final would have been really entertaining because the german and the dutch attack is amazing!! would have been a high scoring game

i put my money on the dutch to win 2-1 and the germans to beat uruguay 3-1

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 19:21
by The.Dark.One
Marc van Arc wrote:
I took it you looked "pummel" up in a Dutch dictionary..... I didn't know it's an English verb meaning "beating someone up".
Funny thing is that the Dutch "pummel" (noun) means "lout, oaf and/or someone who doesn't know how to behave himself".
How appropriate :D
No, I meant pummel in the English sense but the Dutch one matches too!

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 21:47
by Jools
World Cup: Why Americans get a bad press on matters of football and indeed geography, spot the error:


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 22:02
by MatsP
It's 50% right "south" is correct, after all...


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jul 2010, 22:46
by Jools
50% right in the sense that it's the right hemisphere? Nice.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 03:11
by torbanite
I hope the Netherlands win. But Paul the psychic octopus is backing Spain..

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 07:58
by Marc van Arc
Marc van Arc wrote:I've seen the future World Champion play tonight: Spain.(June 29)
Octopus or not, I think I may have to review the above opinion for some reason :wink:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 08:48
by Jools
Marc van Arc wrote:
Marc van Arc wrote:I've seen the future World Champion play tonight: Spain.(June 29)
Octopus or not, I think I may have to review the above opinion for some reason :wink:
As I say, they look a bit toothless without Torres. Death by 1000 passes as the Germans call it.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 15:54
by crkinney
Don't they EAT octopuss in spain
I will root for the orange guys

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 16:30
by L number Banana
World Cup: Why Americans get a bad press on matters of football and indeed geography, spot the error:

The unemployment rate went up by one graphics assistant.
I hope the Netherlands win. But Paul the psychic octopus is backing Spain..
Did you hear about Paul's prediction with the Germany/England game? He picked the right winner of course but he crawled into the plastic box and closed the lid like he was embarrassed about something. :lol: Octopus have nine brains,eh?

My prediction for Germany today is another 4 goals. I'm only saying that because they seemed to remember how to play in the last ten minutes of the last game. Maybe it will carry over?

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 05:12
by L number Banana
Germany Uruguay, great game, looked like the boys were having fun on both sides. I think that little shirt-puller fellow from Uruguay should have to train wearing mittens! Someday that habit is going to bite him in the butt when it really matters.

Tomorrow: Have beer, comfy slippers and the house to myself. The cats don't mind me yelling at the TV :oops:


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 10:12
by Jools
You know, I think the Dutch might win it. Their old boys are saying things like Spain are their offspring, (e.g. not their own countrymen) and I reckon the Spanish will be nervy. They are, after all, world class bottlers. Nagging doubt due to their success in Europe, but well, let's see.

I am not looking forward to how much coverage we'll get of the fact there's an English referee. However, it does provide some good material for Monday when I will be flying down South.

Looking forward to it, we have beer, crisps and nothing else planned!


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 10:48
by DutchFry
I'm ready for the biggest celebration ever experienced in my life! Going to Amsterdam in a few hours to watch the game on a big screen, together with at least 200,000 other Oranje fans! I truly hope we will win tonight, so we can finally forget about the losses in '74 and '78. It's been a very nerve wrecking week for me, couldn't think about anything else!

Laranja Mécanica vs La Furia Roja! This really is the best final this tournament could get, victory for Oranje, 2-1! :D

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 22:28
by Marc van Arc
Poor play, rather poor ref imo.
The best team has won, however, so congrats to Spain.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 08:57
by Jools
Yup, I think the best team (from that two) has won. Although they still looked as if they needed more time to score! The ref had a very tough game to deal with, very tough, what he managed to do was keep all the players on the park, rightly or wrongly, it meant that Spain won against the best team the Netherlands had.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 12:53
by DJ-don
wow! what a game!! woke up at 3:30am to watch it.

but i must admit, the Dutch should have won if Arjen Robben had better finishes.

and at times both teams we're playing heaps dirty! but i think Hetinga was robbed. personally i think he should not have gotten his yellow cards

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 13:00
by Jools
Somebody wearing orange way should have been sent off way before Hetinga was. First half was dull as dishwater mind you!


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 14:07
by DJ-don
Jools wrote:Somebody wearing orange way should have been sent off way before Hetinga was. First half was dull as dishwater mind you!

Are you reffering to de Jong?? People say he deserves a red but I wouldn't say so because he was going after the ball and it all happened as an accident,

I didn't mind the first half. The set pieces really got me off my couch!!

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 16:09
by bronzefry
What a match. It would have been better without all the interruptions from the refs. Let them play. It was painfully long. We had 2 tvs running: 1 with WC, the other with the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox(baseball) finished before the World Cup. That speaks volumes about the pace of that World Cup game. :lol:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 16:41
by Jools
bronzefry wrote:It would have been better without all the interruptions from the refs. Let them play.
Mmmm, people might have ended up in hospital. I thought the ref did a very good job of a horrible game to referee. Other ref's I've seen at the tournament would have ruined it by going for cards earlier. The linesmen were good too. I thought the Japanese ref was the best of the tournament, but Howard Webb was quite good.

Loved the George Cross flag banner that read "can't play, can ref"! :lol:


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 18:08
by syno321
I would definitely agree that the game was a difficult one to try and maintain some semblance of order and fairness. I too think that the ref did as good a job as anybody in that position could have. I know that emotions run high in a game of such magnitude, but it's too bad that the players can't control themselves and stop the diving and acting like petulant children. When the players display that kind of behaviour it makes listening to announcers calling them heroes very hard to stomach. Real heroes do not display what we witnessed throughout the tournament. The sport needs a total culture change regarding the way the players disrespect the referees and each other. They could really learn something from a much tougher game like rugby where the refs are treated with respect and do not put up with the antics ( swarming, yelling in the ref's ear, not backing away when motioned to, motioning at, etc. ) that these cowards display openly. It would be much easier to admire the the skill and beauty of the game without the ugliness. Sorry for the rant.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2010, 18:37
by Marc van Arc
A good ref should have sent a player off long before the 112th (or so) minute. De Jong would have been a good candidate as well as Van Bommel (both Alans at MotD seemed quite convinced) in the first half.
Iniesta should have been sent off as well for foul play in the second half.
A good ref should not have needed 14 (!) yellow cards in a WC final, should know when it's off-side and know the difference between a corner and a goal kick.
Nevertheless, as said before, Spain deserved the win.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 10:00
by DJ-don
I would say this ref did a good match. Considering half the players we're playing dirty
Van bommel i say definitely should have been red carded not hetinga. Hetinga did a good game as a defender.
Puyol should have gotten carded. when Arjen Robben was on his second run, Puyol actually attempted to tackle him from behind so he couldnt reach the goal.

even though there was 14 yellow cards, there were too many players playing dirty

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 10:11
by Jools
I think that's the point I was trying to make, if he gets too red card happy, then, OK, teh Duth are down 2 men, but Puyol is off too.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 17:17
by jac
You should have seen the welcoming/celebration party the dutch gave to there players today :D :D :D

It was amazing and one we will always remember :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

No signs of defite, they are champions of Holland and we are proud to have them :headbang: :headbang:

If you see it on tv, just look for any red won't find them. Orange rules in Amsterdam!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

State of mind: So proud :an: :an: