If we
-- cut out the emotions,
-- stayed on topic and not throw the whole kitchen cabinet,
-- and took the time to reply,
I think it'd be helpful.
I don't intend to change anyone. Why are you taking my opinion so painfully and personally? I am nobody.
I was only expressing my opinion and I didn't criticize or judge anyone. I read your opinion. I was speaking my opinion of the phenomenon of hybrid synos. If my words could be construed as a personal criticism or discrimination of peers by their syno-keeping preferences, I bow down low admitting my guilt and apologize.
for crying out loud you are comparing live fish to a creature that never existed, it's a story. fiction, and not very good fiction at that. we are talking about live creatures/ cross breeding happens all the time. Frankenstein? seriously? . he was made out of pieces of other men / women.
*****I am using the common trait of Frankenstein and the hybrid synodontis, which is man-made in an unnatural way, to describe the synos. I am not comparing apples and oranges. Just picking an adjective / descriptor that expresses my thought in a concise and precise way, IMHO.
how does Lily Frankenstein. how does she even enter into this?
*****F. and his bride I used to express my view of the external beauty of the hybrids versus the natural ones. I was using mental images to convey what I see in terms of aesthetics. Obviously diametrically opposite to your view, which no one is seeking to tear away from you. By all means, keep yours. Jools agrees somewhat with yours. Others agree with me. Yet others are in the middle. This is what makes life interesting.
if we are all creatures of nature then nothing we can do can be called truly unnatural, maybe immoral or socially unacceptable but not unnatural. the tone here seems to be that they are not natural and if they were created out of eggs and milt then guess what? they are natural maybe not in the way some people would like but i don't think that's our job to judge.
*****Been addressed above professionally. This black and white logic qualifies everything we do as natural, so we might as well do away with this meaningless word.
don't keep them if you don't want but don't criticize others who do.
*****Addressed above. Plus, I keep them.
hybrids are attractive, that's a given. are there syno species that are more attractive? i guess. they are what they are and
*****Addressed above.
as keepers of fish we don't have the moral right to say what should and should be. is keeping fish in a glass box with unnatural light, unnatural sound and unnatural food moral?
*****Depends on perspective. To us, yes. To PETA, no.
are they not suffering on some level?
*****I am suffering as I am reading this and answering. But I grin and bear.
okay, they are free from predation, but that was their life to live or not live 'till they got pulled out of the river ( i have seen tropical fish netted out of a river and there is nothing pleasant about it for the fish) then on an airplane, not in first class i don't think. then another pond and then another plane ride? that's okay because they are natural, right? and they were born just to spend the rest of their years in your (my) living room.
*****Do you know that it is scientifically proven that plants feel pain and anguish too? Following your logic to its end, we should stop eating, walking, and breathing too, because with every breath, the immune system in our lungs kills a myriad of microscopic animals (something PETA should think about). Really black and white thinking is futile.
as far as making money that's what the hobby is about. i see people who sell fish (they have spawned) for a lot of money what's that about? advancing the hobby? yeah, maybe some but the rest is good old American capitalism
*****If done in a way that's seen as humane (or at least adequate as Lycosid put it) by experts, I don't see anything wrong with this. What we say, as Jools noted, is the trickery that's objectionable.
. hybrids advance the hobby? it is if it makes fish more affordable and more people keep tanks, then maybe it is in the best interest of the hobby
*****Many would agree with you. Some and I don't. We view the hobby advancement differently. That's why. And there is definitely space for both of us in the hobby and on this planet. For now.
Who says that the fish don't suffer during the catching process? ivr seen fish nettout of a stream and im really sure they were nearly stressed out of their mind. holding bins, plane ride (not first class), another holding bin, another plane ride, that's okay right? how many fish die during the process? then how many die before they are acclimated? judging by the local retailers, quite a few
*****This is a broken record.
No one except hard core aquarists are going to plunk 150.00 for a fish they are going to see once a year when they rearrange the tank. i have some hybrids and they are out all the time. the fish keeping game is changing. these fish are bred specifically to live in a tank, how many wild caught fish can you say that about? the hobby has made how many fish nearly extinct in the wild because people want the newest "thing?"
*****Can't add much to what Lycosid said above.
if they are being injected with hormones okay but is it that way? can anyone say for sure?
*****It is common knowledge from fish farm procedure protocols to scientific papers reporting advancements in fish farming.
there are quite a few species we keep that need hormone injections to do what they are not in the mood for or are being kept in the wrong conditions for. i am under the impression that there are a lot of breeders in the far east who use this method, as it's fast. cheap, easy and no need for movies and dinner before. should we boycott their fish?
*****Yes. On my humble end.
as far as creating our own nature we force nature's hand all the time. are you sure you have never eaten hamburg that there was not some GMO in it or somewhere along the line. antibiotics? vegetables.
*****I am against any GMO. Obviously, I am a conservative.
if you don't want to keep them don't? but don't criticize those who do.
*****Broken record word for word. Yet, again, I apologize if my words could be viewed as such. I was aiming to speak of the phenomenon and its implications that I see and of my personal opinion.