bekateen wrote: 11 Sep 2020, 06:42
Is it just my impression, or are big pharma companies coming here to find the names for their next new drugs? Cases in point, specific epithets in the genus
You could still register your favourite drugs under any of these names - they are free.
PATAXO is, however, often used for restaunts and foodstuff in Portugese speaking countries.
We all have our jobs, mine is trademarking
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 13 May 2021, 16:12
by EvaWilliams
Grandad and his grandson Billy are searching in the for fishing worms to use as bait. They are coming across many different insects but nothing suitable to use for bait until little Billy proudly holds up a long dangling insect.
Little Billy exclaims "I found some bait grandad".
Grandad responds "sorry Billy we can't use that. It is not an earthworm."
Little Billy replies "well what planet does it come from Grandad."
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 04 Aug 2021, 17:37
by Viktor Jarikov
-- Why is there no biting?
-- Well, because...
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 15:25
by Jools
koi-rona virus...
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 11:32
by Redrain
This isn't a joke per se but a funny scientific name I made up is "Phallophagus Dickerii"
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 05:17
by Amelia Belli
Three priests were fishing on a boat when they ran out of bait. The first priest got up and walked across the water to get some more bait. After two hours they ran out of bait again and the second priest said he would go get more bait, so he got up and walked across the water. After three hours of fishing, they ran out of bait again and the third priest said he would get more bait. So, he stepped out of the boat and went straight to the bottom.
The first priest turned to the second priest and asked, “Should we have told him where the rocks were?”
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 12:04
by medaka
YOU must be cod-ing
There's a plaice for jokes like these
"PlanetCatfish is the most wholesome place in the universe" - brilliant - so I have to think that some stand up routines should for the part of any future catcons....
So the other day, I was talking with a friend and he asked me if I had heard about the canabalism going on in another friends discus tank. I asked for details and he explained that the discus had been spawning, but then eating the eggs. I responded that's not canabilism that's cavier!
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 10 Oct 2023, 19:12
by bekateen
I made some fish tacos the other day. They ignored the tacos and just swam away.
Ba-dum! Tissssss!
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 11 Oct 2023, 18:44
by Viktor Jarikov
Aquarium Memes
Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 15:27
by AmazonTank
Hi hope everyone & there fish are fine!
Wanted to start a thread on funny aquarium memes I'll go first
Re: Aquarium Memes
Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 01:47
by Viktor Jarikov
Do you mean to start afresh and compete with the fish jokes thread?
Re: Aquarium Memes
Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 02:34
by bekateen
Viktor Jarikov wrote: 25 Apr 2024, 01:47Do you mean to start afresh and compete with the fish jokes thread?
Seems better to keep the memes with other jokes, since many of the old jokes are memes too. I've moved these posts to the "Does everybody know fish-jokes?" thread.
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 02:47
by AmazonTank
Excellent didn't see this cool thread
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 04:59
by Shovelnose
A most befitting meme.
Re: Does everybody knows fish-jokes?
Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 09:47
by AmazonTank
bekateen wrote: 13 Aug 2022, 06:11
Shoutout to Planetcatfish! Thanks Riva!