Synodontis Schouteden???? Seen in lfs

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Synodontis Schouteden???? Seen in lfs

Post by Cheffi »

This is how the catfish was labelled along with the word 'rare'. I cannot find anything even closely matching this name. Any ideas?

It had stripey wavey lines. Didn't think to take a photo :(

Edit: It's ok I've found it now they've mispelt's Schoutedeni.
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Post by Richard B »

Hi there

Synodontis schoutedeni is a fairly regular species seen in the trade & can usually be picked up for around a tenner - it is attractively marked & small/medium sized (5"). See cat-e-log for more detailed information. I certainly would not consider it rare these days.

All the best

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Post by corybreed »

Great Syno from the Congo Basin that has been bred in the aquarium. Very mild mannered as well.

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Post by sidguppy »

schoutedeni? mild mannered?
are we talking about the same fish?

if I think in those terms with Syno's; species like S pleurops, S decorus, S contractus, S flavitaeniatus, S brichardi and the like spring to mind.

schoutedeni is quite territorial, like angelicus and so on.

maybe you confused them with the similar colored S flavitaeniatus wich IS a very mildmannered fish? same coloration; brown with orange/yellow lined pattern, but in flavitaeniatus it's a stripey, lined pattern and in schoutedeni it's a vermiculated, wormlike pattern.
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Post by Jools »

Maybe I am splitting hairs but I dunno, IME they're about middle of the road (and we are also dealing here with a genus that produces more than its fair share of rouges). Not as vicious as an angelicus but certainly not demure. Boisterous and glutenous I'd say?

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Post by synodont_fan »

I have two schoutedeni, one of the black and tan variety and one of the yellow-greenish variety. The yellow one is about 5 inches, the other about 4 inches. They are both very mild mannered and stay out of the way of the larger more aggressive individuals (e.g., angelicus, notatus). Not as timid as my flavitaeniatus, which hide in wood roots and only come out to eat. Both schoutedeni have big bellies, so they must be eating well, although they don't seem to attack food when it first hits the tank as violently as some of my other synos.
Keep me in mind if you have unusual synodontids to sell.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

I've had one for years together with a flavitaeniatus, and yes, compared with the latter the schoutedeni seems a bully.
I've had far more nasty Synos though.
I can also confirm the round belly remark; it looks like it has eaten a small ball. In some Doradids this may be seen as well. Nice fish; not exactly rare but for certain not common either.
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Post by Oliver D. »


I have S. schoutedeni since more than five years. Not one or two - the smallest group have had five pieces. In the moment i have 10 or more. Lost the overview... They are not more territorial/aggressiv as my other species. In the years I have seen one fight between two males. After one hour they have had some scratches and the fight was ending.

My other species are fighting too. Most the males... S. petricola, S. cf. nigrita an so on...
Not dramatical...
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Post by corybreed »

I have two tanks of schoutedeni now and have kept te fish for many years and have found them to be mild mannered compared to many of the other Congo Basin fish.

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