saw this cory in the LFS...

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saw this cory in the LFS...

Post by Bathos »

i saw a cory in the LFS yesterday that looked much like C. punctatus. it's probably C. punctatus, but i was wondering if C. reticulatus has dots as a juvinile that become the squigglies (such a scientific term!) as the fish matures, much like C. trilineatus. anyone know? it looks like this fish may have come in with some C. rabauti or C. delphax.

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Post by Coryman »


If the fish came in from Peru it is not C. punctatus this fish comes from Surinam. Without seing a picture I am only guesing but it could be either C. cruziensis (C11) ... iensis.htm
or C mamore ... mamore.htm

If its not one of these take a look around my site pages, there are more than 250 species there.

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