Synodontis filamentosus

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Synodontis filamentosus

Post by synodont_fan »

I am intrigued by the photos that I've seen of this species. The long dorsal fin, scissor-like tail and spotted pattern seem to be very appealing. However, I've read that it can be a mean little critter compared to many synos.

Wondering if any of you have had experience with this species that you could share? Also wondering if they are available in the United States?


Keep me in mind if you have unusual synodontids to sell.
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Post by corybreed »

In my experience I have found the behavior of S. filamentosus to be quite the opposite of what you have heard. They are very rarely available in the US.

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Post by Richard B »

Hi there

I don't know about availability in the states - sorry

I have found these to be quarrlesome amongst themselves in groups but no worse than angelicus, decorus etc. I agree they are not as bad as some pieces of literature make out although they do seem to be top-dog or thereabouts in groups of mixed synos.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

I have two kept together and they're well-behaved, only chasing each other occasionally. They aren't commonly available here; my two are the only ones I've ever seen. They cost the equivalent of $50.00 U.S. each.
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Post by synodont_fan »

Thanks for the responses. I've never seen one in person. I've been told that they are available from Africa, but the importer needs to buy 50 at a time. Perhaps a few will find their way to me one of these days.
Keep me in mind if you have unusual synodontids to sell.
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