Please don't tell me they're hybrids.........

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Please don't tell me they're hybrids.........

Post by racoll »

I'm pretty sure these little beauties are the real thing, but i just thought i'd check.



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Post by Richard B »

S.Robertsi - one of my faves - a real beauty

Genuine article by the looks of it.

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Post by Dinyar »

The real S robertsi, not a hybrid. But be careful, these are among the more fragile Syndontis. They are shy fish that don't thrive in rowdy company, and they require good water quality to keep their finnage intact.
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Post by racoll »

Thank you both.

I shall try my upmost to take good care of them.
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Post by corybreed »

As Dinyar said they are S. robertsi. A great aquarium fish that does not grow large. Should not be kept with rough companions.

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Post by Oliver D. »

Yes, these are S. robertsi...

I´ve a group about 8 or so. They are not shyer, as other Synodontis.
They swim around in the shadow. Do not brightly light. ;)

My S. flavitaeniatus, S. nigriventris, S. nigrita are shyer, for example.
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syno robertsi

Post by grahams »

Wow how lucky can you get?I have been trying to get Robertsi for months.Please tell me the supplier has more and who he is.
Seriously, I really hope you have success with them,and it gives me some hope that I might be able to get some one day.
Those big eyes make them look so cute.
Am I allowed to be a little envious?
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Post by racoll »

Envy away Graham. :D

I got them from Maidenhead Aquatics in Wheatley (nr Oxford). Just off the M40, so not far from Northampton. ... storeid=32

Really good store with loads of nice synos such as S.Alberti, S.flavitaeniatus (£9), S.angelicus & S.brichardi.

Unfortunately I bought the last three S.robertsi, but they may be able to get more in for you.

They also have lots of unusual loricariids, auchenipterids, doradids, cories and other stuff.

And only ten mins from my house :D
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Syno Robertsi

Post by grahams »

Would you believe it?I know David the manager very well and was talking to him only yesterday at M.A. Harlestone Heath.He is splitting his time between sorting things there and managing Wheatley.To add salt to the very sore wounds ,my son was in the Wheatley store last Saturday and never said a word. :(
Thankyou for the info anyway,I`ll try to contact David and see what he has to say.He`s a big catfish fan himself.

In the meantime,I`ll just envy away as you suggest,while still feeling very pleased for your good fortune. :D :D


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Post by synodont_fan »

I have 2 robertsi among my flock of synos. They aren't particularly shy, and actually cruise around in the open more than many of the species that I have. They don't seem to be bothered by the bigger guys in my tank. They are in a 210 gallon tank, so there is lots of room to move around.
Keep me in mind if you have unusual synodontids to sell.
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