L134 male of female

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L134 male of female

Post by piwi »

Hello to all of you !

First a little introduction of myself I am Piwi 23 years old and I love catfish.

As you can see in my signature I own several catfishes and I have an question about one catfish.

The L134 on the picture is 10 cm in length and I think itâ??s a female, what do you say ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

3x L75
1x L76
1x L66
2x L177
1x L262
11x L134
3x L88

1x Rineloricaria Fallax
2x Farlowella Acus
2x Sturisoma Aureum
3x ???
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Post by MatsP »

It's hard to tell from that picture, but I'd say 75% sure that it's female.

I'd try to find a male and see if anything "happens".

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Post by piwi »

First of all,

Thanks for your reply !

I have another female and this monday I want to go fore a male (me and a friend are going to some verry big fish suppliers)

That is the reason why I want to know or this is a female ;)

What kind of picture do you need to see if its a female i have a lot of pictures so just ask !
3x L75
1x L76
1x L66
2x L177
1x L262
11x L134
3x L88

1x Rineloricaria Fallax
2x Farlowella Acus
2x Sturisoma Aureum
3x ???
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Post by MatsP »

A picture of the fish from above would help a lot, preferrably in a cointainer with white or light background so that it's easy to see the fish's outline. Females are generally more "fatty" than the males.

But the most telling feature of a male is "hairy" pectorals and back body, and I can't see any of that on your fish.

Moderator hat on: Could you please edit your profile to add your location - it helps us help you by giving correct advice for the place you're in [not really relevant for this question] - it's part of the Rules for the site too. Moderator hat off.

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Post by piwi »

I have placed my livingplace hope that its ok now ?

Here a picture from above


thanks again :)
3x L75
1x L76
1x L66
2x L177
1x L262
11x L134
3x L88

1x Rineloricaria Fallax
2x Farlowella Acus
2x Sturisoma Aureum
3x ???
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Post by MatsP »

That's a better picture, and I'd up my percentage to 90% sure that it's a female based on this picture. It's difficult to be 100% sure, because it could be a male that isn't quite settled and/or not yet mature enough to show it's sexual signs - but I doubt it at 10cm in size. Caveat here would be that the fish is still stressed from the chain of transport to get to you tank. It can take several weeks of stabile conditions to make the fish show it's signs of sex, so if you just bought the fish, it may still be a "not-hairy" male.

Yes, your "living location" is just what we want. There are several quite active members from the Netherlands here on the forum.

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Post by piwi »

I have the fish for about 2 months now. Me and some other people thought it was a female so with your posts i go for it.
3x L75
1x L76
1x L66
2x L177
1x L262
11x L134
3x L88

1x Rineloricaria Fallax
2x Farlowella Acus
2x Sturisoma Aureum
3x ???
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