Simple yes or no question...fry

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Simple yes or no question...fry

Post by mouse6196 »

I have bred many batches of BN plecos both normal and albino. I have noticed no difference in survival rate by seperating the fry from the colony or leaving them in. In fact, I see a slightly higher survival rate if I leave them with the colony. Here's my typical set up for a colony.

35 gallon long, 4-5 caves, sponge filters, 2 males to 6 females (one male being smaller and less dominant to keep the older male aggressive enough and the ALPHA).

Just wanted to know if you leave your fry in the main tanks or remove them?
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Post by MatsP »

I normally leave mine in, when they "breed in the right place". But I've had occurances of breeding in a different tank than where I wanted the fish to breed, in which case moving the fry is necessary to prevent them from being eaten... ;-)

I would also NEED to move my fry if I left the female to continue breeding, since my tank is relatively small (around 25g), and it can't really cope well with large numbers of fry...

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