L052?? and gender

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L052?? and gender

Post by hootie2s »

Hi all I bought the guy below as an L168, however after having a look on here I think it may actually be a L052, I have another new one that is still showing stress colouration so I cant compare the two, also I was curious about gender, this "guy" I use the term guy loosely is approx 12cm (4.5") long.



Thanks in advance,
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Post by MatsP »

The absolutely easiest way to tell the difference between L052 and L168 is to know the country where they were collected... L168 comes from Brazil, L52 from Colombia.

I think there's further reason for confusion: L168 is Dekeyseria brachyura, which is legal to import to Australia, L52 is not identified as that species, and thus not on that list of "legal to import", so the exporter/importer will have good reasons to not declare it as the correct species... So you're unlikely to get the correct name from the importer... ;-)

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Post by hootie2s »

Hi Mats....unfortuneatley we dont get info on where they are caught, by the time they make it to Australia God only knows how many sets of hands they have passed through...I compared the pics in the cat-elog and have been trying to pick any real differences, and reading Shane's posts it possible (likely) both 168's and 052's are making it in.

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Post by pleco_breeder »


Without a better pic from above, it will be difficult to sex the fish. It appears to be a female based upon finnage. Males normally have more elongaged ventral fins, and it is very obvious on more mature fish. What is the size of the fish in question?

Larry Vires
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Post by hootie2s »

Hi Larry, I was thinking perhaps a she based on the fins too, total length is 12cm / 4.5".

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