Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
I will try and get down there this week and get a picture of the shoal of ottos and some close ups of some of the cats. We are working on getting some cool(odd) cats from S.A. to add to the tank. We will most likely do a direct import.
Cheers, Whitepine
River Tank with Rio HF 20 (1290 gph), Eheim 2236.
- Apon boivinianus, Bolbitis, Crypt balansae, Microsorum Windelov, Vallisneria americana, Crinum calamistratum, Nymphaea zenkerii, Anubias barterii.
From my limited experience with Sturisoma sp. they seem to be the best algae eater out there for large tanks. Since I added them to my Heckel Discus tank I have not had to clean algae in the past three months not even the green spot algae. Having a number in this tank may save a lot of routine scraping. I have never kept a fish that is as good at eating algae as the Sturisomsas.
I wonder how long the Blyxa will do well. It seems to start out nice and then fizzle out altogether. Seems a life cycle thing rather than any particular parameter. From the way the riccia is growing on the bottom there is obviously plenty of light.
It is a dream tank for any serious fish keeper. What do you think I would put in it, Barbie? No, not Fronts, try again.
Beautiful aquarium.
Here is a shoal of ottos as promised. This is a little smaller shoal than in the morning. first thing in the am they all form one school and just cruise the tank for an hour or so.
Cheers, Whitepine
River Tank with Rio HF 20 (1290 gph), Eheim 2236.
- Apon boivinianus, Bolbitis, Crypt balansae, Microsorum Windelov, Vallisneria americana, Crinum calamistratum, Nymphaea zenkerii, Anubias barterii.